Do you value the laser as a fle­xi­ble and ver­sa­tile tool, but won­der how the effi­ci­ency and pro­cess qua­lity can be opti­mi­zed even further?

One pos­si­bi­lity is beam sha­ping, espe­ci­ally by means of fast beam oscil­la­tion. In addi­tion to an increased pro­cess speed, fast beam oscil­la­tion enables a hig­her machi­ning qua­lity to be achie­ved on the work­piece. In addi­tion, the use of beam sha­ping signi­fi­cantly expands the range of com­pon­ents and mate­ri­als that can be processed.

Lunch-to-Lunch-Work­shop in Dresden

The advan­ta­ges that beam sha­ping can offer in laser mate­rial pro­ces­sing will be demons­tra­ted by our laser experts tog­e­ther with exter­nal part­ners in our Lunch-to-Lunch Work­shop »Beam Sha­ping for Laser Pro­ces­ses«. For this pur­pose, we cor­di­ally invite you to Dres­den, where we will intro­duce you to the poten­tial of beam sha­ping for laser mate­rial pro­ces­sing in lec­tures and demons­tra­tive labo­ra­tory tours.

What does the work­shop include?

At the begin­ning of the work­shop you will get insights into the state-of-the-art of beam sha­ping for indus­trial lasers. We will intro­duce you to the various beam sha­ping opti­ons and also high­light alter­na­tive methods such as »Coher­ent Beam Com­bi­ning« or »Spa­tial Light Modu­la­tion«. In num­e­rous lec­tures and demons­tra­ti­ons in the labo­ra­tory, you will learn more about the effects of beam sha­ping on various laser mate­rial pro­ces­sing tech­no­lo­gies such as cut­ting, wel­ding, har­dening and struc­tu­ring. Finally, we will address the topics of pro­cess cha­rac­te­riza­tion and sen­sor tech­no­logy in qua­lity monitoring.

The work­shop is aimed at expe­ri­en­ced laser users in indus­try as well as inte­gra­tors and manu­fac­tu­r­ers of lasers, optics and sys­tem modules.