Aktuelles › Inno­va­tion methods in Photonics

This sum­mer semes­ter THEORY meets MAKERSPACE! The course “Inno­va­tion Methods in Pho­to­nics” is the right place for stu­dents inte­res­ted in Inno­va­tion, Entre­pre­neur­ship and Photonics.

Quick facts

  • Eng­lish spea­king module for Mas­ter of Pho­to­nics and Mas­ter of Physics.
  • Lecu­res and work­shops pro­vi­ded by the Uni­ver­sity and the Licht­werk­statt Makerspace.
  • Inno­va­tion chal­lenges with some men­to­ring pro­vi­ded by indus­try and rese­arch partners.
  • Teams of 3–5 stu­dents per inno­va­tion challenge.
  • Each team­mem­ber has about 50 hours to work on the inno­va­tion chall­enge during the semester.
  • Out­co­mes are a documentation/report and a demonstrator/prototype.

Con­tent of the course

During the semes­ter the stu­dents will work in small teams on dif­fe­rent pho­to­nics inno­va­tion chal­lenges pro­vi­ded by indus­try or rese­arch part­ners. To make this work the Licht­werk­statt Maker­space and the Abbe School of Pho­to­nics are pro­vi­ding input through theo­re­ti­cal lec­tures and hands-on work­shops that enable the stu­dents to work on their inno­va­tion chall­enge and create results by the end of the semester.
Part­ners from indus­try and rese­arch are wel­come to pro­vide either…

  • a short pre­sen­ta­tion about a course rele­vant topic (low invol­vement) or
  • an inno­va­tion chall­enge inclu­ding some men­to­ring (high involvement).

Bene­fits for Partners

Posi­tion your cor­po­rate brand.
»Inno­va­tion methods in Pho­to­nics« offers you the chance to pre­sent your com­pany to a young, highly moti­va­ted, inter­na­tio­nal and talen­ted audi­ence. Show what your cor­po­rate brand stands for and get into con­ver­sa­tion as a busi­ness part­ner of future decis­ion makers.

Find bright talents.
During the semes­ter you can observe the pro­blem-sol­ving skills of the inter­na­tio­nal par­ti­ci­pants from close up in an infor­mal envi­ron­ment and get in touch with sui­ta­ble can­di­da­tes for your com­pany directly afterwards.

Bene­fit from crea­tive solu­ti­ons to your problems.
A team of about 3 – 5 pho­to­nics stu­dents will deve­lop solu­ti­ons exclu­si­vely for your pro­blem within a semes­ter. They are sup­ported by expert men­tors from the Abbe Cen­ter of Pho­to­nics and the Licht­werk­statt Jena. Take the oppor­tu­nity to open up your inno­va­tion pro­cess and get new ideas for prac­ti­cal problems!

Get in touch

Licht­werk­statt Jena – Open Pho­to­nics Makerspace
Fried­rich-Schil­ler-Uni­ver­si­tät Jena
Abbe Cen­ter of Pho­to­nics Beu­ten­berg Campus
Albert-Ein­stein-Straße 6
07745 Jena

David Zakoth

Johan­nes Kretzschmar