OptoNet Member › Fraun­ho­fer-Insti­tut für Pho­to­ni­sche Mikro­sys­teme IPMS

The Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tute for Pho­to­nic Micro­sys­tems IPMS in Dres­den offers access to know-how, exper­tise and modern R&D infra­struc­ture in the field of opti­cal sen­sors and actua­tors, inte­gra­ted cir­cuits, micro­sys­tems (MEMS/MOEMS) and nanoelec­tro­nics. It is part of the Fraun­ho­fer Group Microelec­tro­nics (ger­man abbre­via­tion: VµE), and is enga­ged in various regio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal net­works in fields of micro­sys­tems and pho­to­nics. In order to meet the chal­len­ging demands of their cus­to­mers, Fraun­ho­fer IPMS is cer­ti­fied accor­ding to DIN EN 9001:2015 for rese­arch, deve­lo­p­ment and fabri­ca­tion of pho­to­nic micro­sys­tems inclu­ding semi­con­duc­tor and micro­sys­tem pro­ces­ses as well as inte­gra­ted actua­tors and sen­sor technologies.