Aktuelles › Pitch your ideas @ DIHP Pitch 2022

You have ideas? Great!

You have ideas that can be deve­lo­ped fur­ther with pho­to­nics, and you are loo­king for sup­port in their con­cep­tual and tech­no­lo­gi­cal imple­men­ta­tion? Even better.

Pitch your ideas and boost your endea­vors with photonics!

Then par­ti­ci­pate in this year’s DIHP Pitch enab­led by Thü­rin­ger Auf­bau­bank. The pitch will take place on May 23, 2022.

We are exci­ted to hear about your inno­va­tive ideas! And we sup­port them with sub­stan­tial rese­arch bud­gets in optics, pho­to­nics, bio­pho­to­nics, and bey­ond – at one of five excel­lent rese­arch insti­tu­tes! (Find out which 5 insti­tu­tes are invol­ved)

What’s there to win?

With your appli­ca­tion and a suc­cessful pitch of your ideas, you can win a rese­arch grant in optics, pho­to­nics, bio­pho­to­nics at one of five rese­arch insti­tu­tes. The rese­arch bud­get equ­als 6 per­son months.

This rese­arch grant can pro­fit you in two ways:

  • You can ins­truct a rese­arch group to con­duct fur­ther rese­arch to bring your inno­va­tive idea forward.
  • If you are an employee at one of the insti­tu­tes, seve­ral opti­ons are pos­si­ble which will be dis­cus­sed individually.

Often, it is expe­ri­en­ced advice that advan­ces an idea.

  • From our great and diverse jury, you will get valuable feedback.
  • In addi­tion, sel­ec­ted ideas win the pos­si­bi­lity to place their idea as a chall­enge on the feed­back plat­form to find novel appli­ca­ti­ons and get even more feed­back from busi­ness experts and poten­tial customers.

How to apply

Please com­plete the appli­ca­tion form and write a short con­cept paper and send it to
ed.refohnuarf.foi@phid by May 15, 2022. Good luck!

Appli­ca­tion form:
Down­load [docx]

Con­cept paper:
Please ans­wer the fol­lo­wing four topics in a short con­cept paper on your pro­ject or busi­ness idea, 2 pages max.

  • Idea: Which pro­blems does your pro­duct or your ser­vice idea address? To what ext­ent is it digi­tally supported?
  • Team: Who are your team mem­bers? Which expe­ri­en­ces and com­pe­ten­cies do they contribute?
  • Mar­ket: Who are the poten­tial cus­to­mers? How could reve­nues be generated?
  • Sta­tus: Where are you now? Where do you need support?

More infor­ma­tion on DIHP’s consortium

The DIHP’s con­sor­tium is com­po­sed of:

  • Abbe Cen­ter of Pho­to­nics (ACP): We con­duct fun­da­men­tal and applied rese­arch in a broad variety of rese­arch fields, with a focus on ultra optics, strong field optics, and bio­pho­to­nics. More infor­ma­tion: https://www.acp.uni-jena.de/
  • Leib­niz-HKI: We carry out rese­arch into natu­ral pro­ducts from micro-orga­nisms and into the infec­tion bio­logy of patho­ge­nic fungi.
    More infor­ma­tion: https://www.leibniz-hki.de/en/about-us.html
  • Leib­niz-IPHT: The focus of our sci­en­ti­fic work is on opti­cal health tech­no­lo­gies and is ori­en­ted towards cur­rent medi­cal issues and needs.
    More infor­ma­tion: https://www.leibniz-ipht.de/en/research-profile/
  • Helm­holtz Insti­tute Jena (HI‑J): We work on new laser-indu­ced acce­le­ra­tor con­cepts, the pro­duc­tion and inves­ti­ga­tion of intense pho­ton and par­ticle beams, as well as on ima­ging tech­ni­ques and pre­cis­ion methods for the detec­tion and spec­tro­scopy of light ran­ging from XUV to hard X‑rays.
    More infor­ma­tion: https://www.hi-jena.de/en/
  • Fraun­ho­fer IOF: Our work is focu­sed on the busi­ness areas of light sources and lasers, opto-mecha­ni­cal sys­tems as well as sen­sor tech­no­logy, metro­logy and quan­tum optics.
    More infor­ma­tion: https://www.iof.fraunhofer.de/en/we-about-us.html