News › 2021 ano­ther record year for Jenoptik

Jen­op­tik repor­ted total order intake of approx. 1.1 bil­lion euros and reve­nue of around 900 mil­lion euros in 2021

Con­ti­nuing ope­ra­ti­ons with reve­nue growth of approx. 22 per­cent and an EBITDA mar­gin of 20.7 per­cent (incl. one-off effects)

Suc­cessful con­tri­bu­tion to growth by acqui­red com­pa­nies, TRIOPTICS repor­ted reve­nue of around 100 mil­lion euros and an ope­ra­ting mar­gin cle­arly above group average

“Jen­op­tik suc­cee­ded in making 2021 yet ano­ther record year – both for reve­nue and for pro­fi­ta­bi­lity. We also set a clear stra­te­gic course for ensu­ring fur­ther pro­fi­ta­ble growth not only in 2022 but also in the years ahead. With our new growth agenda, “More Value”, we will acce­le­rate Jenoptik’s trans­for­ma­tion into a glo­bally lea­ding, pure pho­to­nics group. Our port­fo­lio will focus on the three growth mar­kets of semi­con­duc­tor & elec­tro­nics, life sci­ence & medi­cal tech­no­logy, and smart mobi­lity. We plan to increase reve­nue to at least 1.2 bil­lion euros by 2025, in spite of dive­st­ments,” says Ste­fan Trae­ger, Pre­si­dent & CEO of JENOPTK AG.

Mil­lion euros or percent 2021
2021 Con­ti­nuing operations 2020 Con­ti­nuing operations
Reve­nue 895 767.2 750 615.5
EBITDA 177 111.6 155 92.8
EBITDA mar­gin 19.8 14.6 20.5 15.1
Order intake 1,074 739.4 937 594.2

Con­ti­nuing ope­ra­ti­ons – include the divi­si­ons Light & Optics (incl. Jen­op­tik Medi­cal – for­mer BG Medi­cal – and the Swiss­Op­tic Group), Light & Pro­duc­tion as well as Light & Safety.

Due to the sig­ning of a con­tract to sell VINCORION, the divi­sion is clas­si­fied as dis­con­tin­ued ope­ra­ti­ons alre­ady for the 2021 fis­cal year, in accordance with IFRS 5.

Total – includes the con­ti­nuing ope­ra­ti­ons plus VINCORION as dis­con­tin­ued operations.

Accor­ding to the preli­mi­nary figu­res, total reve­nue in the report­ing year came to 895 mil­lion euros (prior year: 767.2 mil­lion euros) and was thus at the upper end of the fore­cast range of 880 to 900 mil­lion euros.
Reve­nue from con­ti­nuing ope­ra­ti­ons amoun­ted to 750 mil­lion euros (prior year: 615.5 mil­lion euros), an increase of around 22 per­cent. The strong growth was achie­ved despite the chal­len­ging con­di­ti­ons once again cau­sed by the pan­de­mic, and an app­re­cia­ble shortage of mate­ri­als due to world­wide sup­ply chain issues. The ongo­ing strong demand from the semi­con­duc­tor equip­ment indus­try in the Light & Optics divi­sion was out­stan­ding. TRIOPTICS, con­so­li­da­ted for the first time for the full year, also met strong expec­ta­ti­ons and pos­ted reve­nue of around 100 mil­lion euros. Jen­op­tik Medi­cal and the Swiss­Op­tic Group, con­so­li­da­ted since Novem­ber 30, 2021, also con­tri­bu­ted to this increase.

Total EBITDA came to 177 mil­lion euros (prior year: 111.6 mil­lion euros), and the EBITDA mar­gin was 19.8 per­cent (prior year: 14.6 per­cent). With that, Jen­op­tik excee­ded its tar­get of 19.0 to 19.5 per­cent. The good ope­ra­ting per­for­mance, and posi­tive impacts from res­truc­tu­ring mea­su­res con­tri­bu­ted to this impro­ve­ment. In addi­tion, it included one-off effects of around 30 mil­lion euros in con­nec­tion with the acqui­si­ti­ons of TRIOPTICS and INTEROB in 2020 as well as PPA effects of approx. 2 mil­lion euros. Exclu­ding the one-off effects, the total EBITDA mar­gin would have been around 16.8 percent.
Con­ti­nuing ope­ra­ti­ons achie­ved an EBITDA of 155 mil­lion euros inclu­ding the one-off effects men­tio­ned above (prior year: 92.8 mil­lion euros), and thus an EBITDA mar­gin of 20.7 per­cent (prior year: 15.1 percent).


Order intake of more than one bil­lion euros

Ongo­ing strong demand, also at the end of the report­ing year, bodes well for growth in the new fis­cal year 2022. In 2021, the Light & Optics divi­sion again pos­ted the stron­gest growth.

In total, Jen­op­tik recei­ved orders worth 1.074 bil­lion euros in the past fis­cal year (prior year: 739.4 mil­lion euros).
The order intake in con­ti­nuing ope­ra­ti­ons grew by approx. 58 per­cent to 937 mil­lion euros (prior year: 594.2 mil­lion euros). The order back­log came to 544 mil­lion euros (prior year: 299.8 mil­lion euros).


Jenoptik’s balance sheet and finan­cing qua­lity remain at a strong level

Accor­ding to the preli­mi­nary figu­res, the total free cash flow came to around 63 mil­lion euros, and was thus at the level of the good prior-year figure of 62,3 mil­lion euros.
The con­ti­nuing ope­ra­ti­ons repor­ted a free cash flow of around 43 mil­lion euros (prior year: 52.5 mil­lion euros).

“Jen­op­tik has a very solid finan­cial base, despite large-scale invest­ments we made in 2021 for our future growth,” says CFO Hans-Die­ter Schumacher.


Jen­op­tik expects fur­ther pro­fi­ta­ble growth in 2022

Based on the good order intake in the fourth quar­ter 2021, the high order back­log, and ongo­ing pro­mi­sing deve­lo­p­ments in the core pho­to­nics busi­nesses, espe­ci­ally in the semi­con­duc­tor sec­tor, the Exe­cu­tive Board of JENOPTIK AG is con­fi­dent to achieve fur­ther pro­fi­ta­ble growth in the fis­cal year 2022. As part of its new set-up, Jen­op­tik will manage its core pho­to­nics busi­ness in the two new divi­si­ons, Advan­ced Pho­to­nic Solu­ti­ons and Smart Mobi­lity Solu­ti­ons. The non-pho­to­nic acti­vi­ties will in future ope­rate under sepa­rate brands within the Jen­op­tik Group (Hom­mel, Pro­do­max, INTEROB).

The final and audi­ted figu­res for 2021 and the 2021 Annual Report will be published on March 29, 2022.


About Jen­op­tik

Opti­cal tech­no­lo­gies are the core our busi­ness: Jen­op­tik is a glo­bally active tech­no­logy group and is active in the three pho­to­nics-based divi­si­ons: Light & Optics, Light & Pro­duc­tion and Light & Safety. Under the TRIOPTICS brand, Jen­op­tik also offers opti­cal test and manu­fac­tu­ring sys­tems for the qua­lity con­trol of len­ses, objec­ti­ves and camera modu­les. Our key tar­get mar­kets pri­ma­rily include the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try, medi­cal tech­no­logy, auto­mo­tive and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring as well as traf­fic. Appro­xi­m­ately 4,900 employees work for Jen­op­tik world­wide. The Group’s head­quar­ters are in Jena (Ger­many). JENOPTIK AG is lis­ted on the Ger­man Stock Exch­ange in Frank­furt and is included in the SDax and TecDax. In the fis­cal year 2021, Jen­op­tik gene­ra­ted total reve­nue, inclu­ding VINCORION, of approx. 900 mil­lion euros accor­ding to preli­mi­nary calculations.



Les­lie Iltgen
Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons & Inves­tor Relations
Phone: +49 3641 65–2291
E‑mail: moc.kitponej@negtli.eilsel