
In order to become active for our mem­bers bey­ond the boun­da­ries of tech­no­logy and region, we rely on strong part­ners and solid alliances. 

Tech­no­logy Clus­ters Cen­tral Germany

We main­tain close rela­ti­ons with the tech­no­logy clus­ters at regio­nal level and try to estab­lish cont­acts in the user indus­tries through sui­ta­ble formats.

Optec­Net Germany

Opto­Net is part of the supra-regio­nal net­wor­king initia­tive Optec­Net Deutsch­land e.V., in which a total of eight Ger­man pho­to­nics clus­ters have joi­ned forces to create a powerful, joint struc­ture at both fede­ral and inter­na­tio­nal level. They repre­sent a total of more than 500 play­ers in the Ger­man pho­to­nics industry.

Glo­bal Pho­to­nics Alliance

We main­tain close cont­acts with inter­na­tio­nal pho­to­nics clus­ters and coor­di­nate coope­ra­tion via the Glo­bal Pho­to­nics Alli­ance GPA, a net­wor­king initia­tive which is signi­fi­cantly advan­ced by OptoNet.

Our Part­ners in the GPA


We are con­nec­ted with the Ger­man Indus­try Asso­cia­tion for Optics, Pho­to­nics, Ana­ly­ti­cal and Medi­cal Tech­no­logy SPECTARIS via a part­ner­ship agree­ment and coope­rate in supra-regio­nal fields of acti­vity in the inte­rest of our members.


Since 2018 we have been a mem­ber of EPIC, the Euro­pean Pho­to­nics Indus­try Con­sor­tium, and are actively invol­ved in Euro­pean initiatives.