OptoNet Member › Ray­Ven

The Bochum-based start-up Ray­Ven has deve­lo­ped a pio­nee­ring ultra-fast laser that emits at a wave­length of 2.1 µm. It has the poten­tial to revo­lu­tio­nize mate­rial pro­ces­sing (poly­mers, semi­con­duc­tors). The cur­rent gap iden­ti­fied in the mar­ket is the volume modi­fi­ca­tion of sili­con, which is a sui­ta­ble alter­na­tive to pho­to­li­tho­gra­phy for pre­cise modi­fi­ca­ti­ons down to the micro­me­ter range. With this cut­ting-edge tech­no­logy, com­plex micro­chan­nels can be etched to improve the coo­ling of next-gene­ra­tion sta­cked chips. Ray­Ven is also explo­ring pre­cis­ion sur­gi­cal appli­ca­ti­ons as part of its long-term vision.