OptoNet Member › K‑Optics

K‑OPTICS is a sub­si­diary of Kilim Pla­s­tics, a family-owned engi­nee­ring com­pany foun­ded in 1985, which is enga­ged in the pro­duc­tion of opti­cal injec­tion molded parts for indus­trial use. K‑OPTICS has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in the field of injec­tion molded pla­s­tics in com­bi­na­tion with optics, which has led to the deve­lo­p­ment of high-qua­lity expe­ri­ment sets for use in edu­ca­tion. The main aim is to bring fasci­na­ting opti­cal phe­no­mena clo­ser to poten­tial youngs­ters. The sets are desi­gned to resem­ble tra­di­tio­nal indus­trial 3D optics set­ups and enable basic expe­ri­ments as well as inter­fe­ro­me­try and much more. K‑OPTICS is ISO cer­ti­fied and ser­ves a cross-sec­tion of the high-tech, aero­space and defense indus­tries in Israel – such as IAI, KLA Orbo­tech, Elbit, El-Op, etc. – in the injec­tion mol­ding sector.