OptoNet Member › Joya Team Phoe­nix LTD

Over the past five years, JOYA Team has deve­lo­ped into one of Israel’s lea­ding opti­cal design ser­vice pro­vi­ders. After trai­ning at the lea­ding Tech­nion and many years at Elbit Sys­tems, the team around foun­der Assaf Levy-Beeri has estab­lished its­elf inde­pendently with exper­tise in the design and engi­nee­ring of opti­cal sys­tems. In addi­tion to deve­lo­p­ment and con­sul­ting, JOYA team spe­cia­li­zes in proof-of-con­cept and pro­to­ty­p­ing, advi­sing on the design of light­ing optics and non-ima­ging optics. Opto­elec­tro­nic inte­gra­tion, design of dis­play optics and opti­cal test­ing are also among JOYA Team’s core com­pe­ten­cies. The know­ledge and expe­ri­ence in the field of AR/VR/XR as well as the excel­lent cont­acts in this field of appli­ca­tion are par­ti­cu­larly noteworthy.