News › JAT – Stra­te­gic part­ner­ship with the Pre­cis­io­neers Group

The Jenaer Antriebs­tech­nik GmbH (JAT) is expan­ding its busi­ness and will be working with the US-based Pre­cis­io­neers Group tog­e­ther. This part­ner­ship makes it pos­si­ble to offer JAT’s drive sys­tems spe­ci­fi­cally on the North Ame­ri­can market. 

By working tog­e­ther with the Pre­cis­io­neers Group, JAT is adding essen­tial com­pon­ents to its port­fo­lio in order to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive com­plete solu­ti­ons. JAT’s high-pre­cis­ion drive solu­ti­ons are essen­tial for pre­cise posi­tio­ning and motion pro­ces­ses in the optics and elec­tro­nics indus­tries. JAT will play a key role in enab­ling Pre­cis­io­neers to offer a com­plete range of solu­ti­ons for the US mar­ket. The coope­ra­tion was offi­ci­ally sea­led last week with the sig­ning of the agree­ment by Simon Schwin­ger, Mana­ging Direc­tor of JAT, and Ste­fan Götz, Mana­ging Direc­tor of the Pre­cis­io­neers Group and pie­zo­sys­tem jena GmbH. 

»This is an important step for us in making our drive sys­tems acces­si­ble to a wider audi­ence. The Pre­cis­io­neers Group knows the mar­ket and will help us to suc­cessfully posi­tion our solu­ti­ons there in a tar­ge­ted man­ner,« says Simon Schwinger.

Ste­fan Götz adds: »Jenaer Antriebs­tech­nik deve­lops high-pre­cis­ion drive solu­ti­ons that fit per­fectly with our port­fo­lio. Tog­e­ther we will achieve a lot in the USA.«

The part­ner­ship will enable JAT to acquire new cus­to­mers in North Ame­rica and fur­ther expand its business.

Simon Schwin­ger (Mana­ging Direc­tor JAT – Jenaer Antriebs­tech­nik) and Ste­fan Götz (Mana­ging Direc­tor Pre­cis­io­neers Group)
are deligh­ted about the cooperation.

Image source: JAT

JAT – Jenaer Antriebs­tech­nik GmbH

About Jenaer Antriebs­tech­nik GmbH: Jenaer Antriebs­tech­nik GmbH deve­lops and pro­du­ces high-pre­cis­ion drive sys­tems for various indus­tries. The Jena-based com­pany stands for inno­va­tive motion con­trol tech­no­lo­gies and offers solu­ti­ons for pre­cise posi­tio­ning and move­ment, par­ti­cu­larly in the optics and elec­tro­nics indus­tries. JAT Prä­zi­sion makes the mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring of the future possible. 

Pre­cis­io­neers Group

About Pre­cis­io­neers Group: Pre­cis­io­neers Group is a US com­pany spe­cia­li­zing in high-pre­cis­ion com­pon­ents & solu­ti­ons for deman­ding appli­ca­ti­ons. It sup­ports Euro­pean com­pa­nies ente­ring the North Ame­ri­can mar­ket. Pre­cis­io­neers Group’s mis­sion is to inte­grate and vali­date various drive tech­no­lo­gies with state-of-the-art metro­logy to pro­vide opti­mal solu­ti­ons to U.S. high tech­no­logy companies.