News › ZEISS · Light­field 4D für instanta­nes volu­me­tri­sches High-Speed-Imaging

ZEISS announ­ces the launch of Light­field 4D, a new micro­scopy tech­no­logy based on the light-field prin­ci­ple. As a new ima­ging mode inte­gra­ted into the new ZEISS LSM 910 and LSM 990 con­fo­cal micro­scope sys­tems, ZEISS Light­field 4D rede­fi­nes the way rese­ar­chers observe living orga­nisms, espe­ci­ally in the neu­ro­sci­en­ces, can­cer rese­arch, deve­lo­p­men­tal bio­logy, and plant sci­en­ces. It enables instant volu­metric high-speed ima­ging, allo­wing rese­ar­chers to image the dyna­mic pro­ces­ses of life in com­plete samples with unpre­ce­den­ted tem­po­ral resolution.

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