Work­shop Laser cutting

2019 Jan 10 Thu

17:00 – 20:00

Laser cut­ting is a par­ti­cu­larly useful tech­ni­que for those who want to deve­lop original
designs and work on dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als pre­cis­ely and quickly.

Learn more about the variety of cuts or engra­vings in our work­shop and find out how to use the laser
cut­ter to create pro­to­ty­pes or cus­to­mize pro­ducts. After the intro­duc­tion to the basics of laser cutting,
you can imple­ment your own ideas. The laser cut­ter and the mate­ri­als for expe­ri­men­ta­tion are provided
to you.

Brin­ging your own lap­top is an advan­tage for deve­lo­ping your own pattern.

Niveau: Basic
Lan­guage: english


Licht­werk­statt Jena
David Zakoth
Tel: +49 (0) 3641 – 947552

Event Type


FSU Jena | Licht­werk­statt Jena | Abbe Cen­ter of Photonics
Albert-Ein­stein-Str. 6
07745 Jena

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Opto­Net e.V.

+49 (0) 3641 573365–0