Optics Meet-Up @ KOMBINAT 01

3 Inputs · Talks · Networking

Opti­cal design is the most important tool in the cen­tury of pho­to­nics. The­r­e­fore there is a strong need for opti­cal design within almost every com­pany because of the strong increase of camera and sen­sor tech­no­logy in indus­trial and con­su­mer appli­ca­ti­ons. This evening we want to dis­cuss appli­ca­ti­ons, metho­do­lo­gi­cal needs, and expe­ri­en­ces made with out­sour­cing of opti­cal design jobs.

We are loo­king for­ward to wel­come you in the Kom­bi­nat 01 / West­bahn­hofstr. 13.

→ Ope­ning Remarks
Anke Sieg­meier · Opto­Net Pho­to­nics Net­work Thuringia


#1 Micro-Optics Design Aspects
Hoo­man Ferei­doon­far · HAYTHAM

In this pre­sen­ta­tion, Hoo­man will sum­ma­rize his micro-optics design expe­ri­ence for kil­ler appli­ca­ti­ons like LIDAR / XR. This will include show­ca­sing a sys­te­ma­tic design approach using hybrid opti­miza­tion techniques.


#2 Opti­cal design & engi­nee­ring in China – a purely per­so­nal expe­ri­ence report
Tim Bald­sie­fen · Pho­to­nics Pre­cis­ion Engineering

How does deve­lo­p­ment of opti­cal sys­tems in China dif­fer from deve­lo­p­ment in Ger­many? What are dif­fe­ren­ces, advan­ta­ges, dis­ad­van­ta­ges, risks, chan­ces and how to deal with it all?


#3 Advan­ta­ges of LBS in AR applications
Vin­cent Krull & Frank Sen­ger · OQMENTED

OQmen­ted is lever­aging its pro­prie­tary Bubble MEMS tech­no­logy for micro pro­jec­tion sys­tems in Aug­men­ted Rea­lity Near Eye Dis­plays. In this talk Vin­cent and Frank want to examine the advan­ta­ges of Laser Beam Scan­ning sys­tems as a fly­ing spot dis­play com­pared to the fixed pixel displays.


Open Dis­cus­sion · Net­wor­king until 9:30 pm

Boo­king conditions

  • The event can be boo­ked imme­dia­tely. Par­ti­ci­pa­tion is free of charge.
  • After your regis­tra­tion you will receive a confirmation.
  • The 3G rule applies.


We are loo­king for­ward to you – the exch­ange, the atmo­sphere and some nice drinks!



Kom­bi­nat 01 | Cowor­king GmbH
West­bahn­hof­straße 13
07745 Jena

In Google Maps suchen


PPE Pho­to­nics Pre­cis­ion Engineering
Dr. Jan Werschnik

+49 (0) 163 380 42 77

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