News › aspher­icon GmbH • Suc­cessful re-certification

TÜV Thu­rin­gia con­firms DIN ISO 9001:2015 at aspher­icon GmbH

For the fifth time in a row, aspher­icon GmbH has been re-cer­ti­fied accor­ding to DIN ISO 9001:2015 by TÜV Thu­rin­gia. The tech­no­logy lea­der in the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­tu­ring of asphe­ric optics sys­tems is thus once again attes­ted excel­lent qua­lity in all neces­sary pro­cess steps.

CEO Alex­an­der W. Zschä­bitz (left) and Qua­lity Manage­ment Offi­cer Tino Tren­kel­bach (right) pre­sent the new cer­ti­fi­ca­tion document

»Suc­cessful cer­ti­fi­ca­tion is both a claim and a chall­enge for us,« empha­si­zes Mana­ging Direc­tor Alex­an­der W. Zschä­bitz. »Our com­pany has put great value on cle­anly struc­tu­red and orga­ni­zed pro­ces­ses since its foun­ding days. The con­ti­nuous deve­lo­p­ment of our con­trol soft­ware into a fully inte­gra­ting digi­tal pro­cess tool helps us to orga­nize the incre­asingly com­plex ver­ti­cal range of manu­fac­ture across all ope­ra­ti­ons – i.e. from the first cus­to­mer inquiry to docu­men­ta­tion and pro­duct deli­very. In order to meet our high stan­dards, we plan to fur­ther expand this uni­que pro­cess land­scape in the future. We know that we are pla­cing a lot of work and respon­si­bi­lity on our team, but ulti­m­ately all these efforts will result in a high level of cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion. The lat­ter will con­ti­nue to be our top prio­rity in the future.

In addi­tion to the expan­sion of the digi­tal pro­cess tools for all deve­lo­p­ment, manu­fac­tu­ring and sales areas, the focus of last year’s work packa­ges was on stream­li­ning risk manage­ment and revi­sing num­e­rous work ins­truc­tions and forms. Ulti­m­ately, the once again excel­lent per­for­mance in the re-cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­cess is also due to the con­sis­tent efforts in the qua­li­fi­ca­tion and fur­ther trai­ning of the employees. On the one hand, a digi­tal know­ledge data­base helps to ensure that important pro­cess steps are cen­trally stored and acces­si­ble to all employees. On the other hand, the sys­tem regu­larly keeps track of which employees need trai­ning, at what point in time and, above all, to what extent.

ISO 9001 is a qua­lity manage­ment stan­dard which is one of the most important natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal stan­dards in qua­lity manage­ment. A com­pany cer­ti­fied to ISO 9001 has pro­ven in the course of various audits that it has ali­gned pro­ces­ses accor­ding to firmly defi­ned rules and stan­dards. The focus is on plan­ning and deve­lo­p­ment pro­ces­ses as well as cus­to­mer-focu­sed pro­cu­re­ment and manu­fac­tu­ring processes.

About aspher­icon

As an inde­pen­dent and reco­gni­zed spe­cia­list, aspher­icon is the tech­no­logy lea­der in the field of asphe­ric sys­tems. The pro­duc­tion is based on a self-deve­lo­ped and paten­ted tech­no­logy for the con­trol of CNC grin­ding and poli­shing machi­nes. With this world­wide uni­que equip­ment it is pos­si­ble to pro­duce small quan­ti­ties up to large series with high accu­racy. aspher­icon accom­pa­nies its cus­to­mers from opti­cal design, pro­duc­tion and coa­ting, full-sur­face inter­fe­ro­me­tric mea­su­re­ment and docu­men­ta­tion up to the assem­bly of opti­cal com­pon­ents as well as their opti­cal characterization.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please contact

Dr. Tho­mas Hegenbart
+49 3641 3100500
+49 3641 3100501