News › aspher­icon GmbH • New part­ner­ship with OptoSigma


The world spe­cia­list for asphe­ric sys­tems, aspher­icon and Opto­Sigma, a glo­bal manu­fac­tu­rer based in the USA, Japan, and Europe, have ente­red into a new

part­ner­ship and sup­ply agree­ment. The agree­ment includes dis­tri­bu­tion of asphericon’s asphe­ric optics and beam tuning pro­ducts for the Euro­pean, North and South Ame­rica mar­kets, through OptoSigma’s web­site and sales channels.

Within the agree­ment, aspher­icon will manu­fac­ture and sup­ply state of the art CNC-grin­ded and polished, asphe­res, acy­lin­ders and axi­cons made of S‑LAH64, N‑BK7, and fused silica, along with seve­ral anti-reflec­tive coa­ting opti­ons. Soon to be included will be asphericon’s beam sha­ping and beam expan­sion assem­blies for Beam­Tu­ning, which pro­vide the hig­hest opti­cal per­for­mance and fle­xi­bi­lity. In addi­tion to beam expan­ders of various wave­lengths and magni­fi­ca­tion levels, the pro­duct range also includes fiber col­li­ma­tors, beam sha­ping ele­ments, and sui­ta­ble intra- and cross-sys­tem adap­ters. All of these pro­ducts will be available from OptoSigma’s newly enhan­ced web­site, eit­her from USA stock, or within a reasonable time frame.

»We are very proud to have found in Opto­Sigma an expe­ri­en­ced and relia­ble part­ner for the dis­tri­bu­tion of our stan­dard optics and sys­tems. With this part­ner­ship, aspher­icon has the chance to become a mem­ber of a uni­que and rapidly gro­wing online plat­form. Tog­e­ther we aim to pro­vide a one-stop-shop­ping expe­ri­ence for our cus­to­mers, i.e. the ability to purchase a wide range of high qua­lity pho­to­nic pro­ducts quickly and easily on one plat­form«, says Alex­an­der W. Zschä­bitz, CEO of aspher­icon.

»We are very exci­ted to have crea­ted this strong part­ner­ship with a trus­ted lea­der in optics. We believe the pre­cis­ion and qua­lity of aspher­icon pro­ducts directly com­pli­ments OptoSigma’s offe­rings and ali­gns with our own high qua­lity stan­dards. The new pro­ducts allow us to expand our vast mix of sphe­ri­cal, cylind­ri­cal and flat optics with state of the art CNC-grin­ded and polished optics. These pro­duct addi­ti­ons will give our cus­to­mers many more opti­ons within our offe­ring, to solve their most deman­ding opti­cal design requi­re­ments«, says Guy Ear, CEO of Opto­Sigma.

About aspher­icon

As an inde­pen­dent and reco­gni­zed spe­cia­list, aspher­icon is the tech­no­logy lea­der in the field of asphe­ric sys­tems. The pro­duc­tion is based on a self-deve­lo­ped and paten­ted tech­no­logy for the con­trol of CNC grin­ding and poli­shing machi­nes. With this world­wide uni­que equip­ment, it is pos­si­ble to pro­duce small quan­ti­ties up to large series with high accu­racy. aspher­icon accom­pa­nies its cus­to­mers from opti­cal design, pro­duc­tion and coa­ting, full-sur­face inter­fe­ro­me­tric mea­su­re­ment and docu­men­ta­tion up to the assem­bly of opti­cal com­pon­ents as well as their opti­cal characterization.

About Opto­Sigma

A lea­der in optics, opti­cal sys­tems, opto-mecha­nics, manual and moto­ri­zed posi­tio­ning, and thin film coa­tings for more than 20 years, Opto­Sigma is com­mit­ted to pro­vi­ding solu­ti­ons, tog­e­ther with unri­va­led qua­lity, ser­vice and engi­nee­ring insight for our cus­to­mers on every pro­duct we offer. Our glo­bal manu­fac­tu­ring loca­ti­ons enable us to best meet our cus­to­mers needs for cus­tom or cata­log stan­dard pro­ducts, whe­ther the focus is price, pre­cis­ion, deli­very, or, a com­bi­na­tion. We also keep a signi­fi­cant amount of inven­tory in stock so we can deli­ver promptly and ontime. Our focus is to sup­port both rese­arch and com­mer­cial busi­ness glo­bally. Dis­co­ver why thou­sands of cus­to­mers world­wide rely on OptoSigma!


Media cont­acts:

aspher­icon GmbH
Tho­mas Hegenbart


Yoko Difrancia