News › Beau­tiful view included · Our semi­nar room for your meetings

Many of our mem­bers know our office on the 10th floor of the Jen­Tower and alre­ady use it when it comes to mee­ting out­side of their own premises.

Today we would like to invite you once again to use our semi­nar room for your semi­nars, mee­tings or con­sul­ta­ti­ons. We offer you a magni­fi­cent view of Jena and 12 seats at the con­fe­rence table. Mul­ti­func­tional dis­play, flip­chart etc. you can use of course. We are also happy to take care of cate­ring or reser­va­tions in the Scala tower restauran

CoOP­TICS GmbH; Leu­tra­gra­ben 1, Jena; Foto: Jür­gen Scheere


Arite Krip­pen­dorf
+49 (0) 3641 327 92 93


To book the semi­nar room, please fill out our form.