11. Inter­na­tio­nal Laser Symposium

2021 Dec 7 Tue

until Decem­ber, 9 2021 | all-day

New colours, new chances

New high power laser sources, emer­ging wave­lengths in the green and blue light spec­trum, IR lasers with fle­xi­ble  inten­sity dis­tri­bu­tion and new pul­sed laser sys­tems with high power and energy den­sity – these intri­guing opti­ons  might open up undis­co­vered per­spec­ti­ves in laser mate­rial processing.
Orga­ni­zed by Fraun­ho­fer IWS Dres­den, the “Laser Sym­po­sium 2020” will focus on latest laser deve­lo­p­ments and their sui­ta­bi­lity for indus­trial appli­ca­ti­ons. With some colors available in a reasonable power range only recently, we invite you to explore ans­wers to this key ques­tion: Do new colors extend the pro­ces­sing range of well-known laser tech­no­lo­gies or will they mark the begin­ning of a new era in laser mate­ri­als processing?

Lan­guage: English

More infor­ma­ti­ons»

Event Type



Fraun­ho­fer-Insti­tut für Werk­stoff- und Strahl­tech­nik IWS
Julia Zie­mer

+49 351 83391–3062