3rd Opto­Net Inter­na­tio­nal Sum­mer School • Advan­ced Lens Design

2021 Sep 27 Mon

until Octo­ber, 1 2021 | all-day

Pro­ven con­cept + fle­xi­ble trai­ning sche­dule + more practice

As end users expect incre­asingly sophisti­ca­ted per­for­mance, opti­cal sys­tem desi­gners and manu­fac­tu­r­ers face gro­wing chal­lenges. We are plea­sed to announce the 3rd Opto­Net Inter­na­tio­nal Sum­mer School ›Advan­ced Lens Design‹, which will again pro­vide hands-on trai­ning at the hig­hest pro­fes­sio­nal level. It is aimed at tech­ni­ci­ans, engi­neers and rese­ar­chers invol­ved in the design of opti­cal sys­tems for ima­ging appli­ca­ti­ons who need more theo­re­ti­cal insight and prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence in this field. 

The Sum­mer School will be con­duc­ted by inter­na­tio­nally reco­gni­zed expert Prof. Dr. Her­bert Gross from Fried­rich Schil­ler Uni­ver­sity Jena and his colleagues.


Main topics of the semi­nar, which will be con­duc­ted directly with the com­mer­cial soft­ware Optic­Stu­dio, are pro­per­ties of opti­cal ima­ging sys­tems, aberra­ti­ons, opti­miza­tion and cor­rec­tion stra­tegy, qua­lity eva­lua­tion, asphe­res, cor­rec­tion of spe­cial degra­da­ti­ons, simple sys­tems, eye­pie­ces, relay and scan sys­tems, telescope sys­tems, camera sys­tems, zoom sys­tems, micro­sco­pic sys­tems, dif­fe­rent sys­tem types, tole­rance and adjustment.

With a revi­sed trai­ning plan and a 3+2 con­cept, we offer both basic trai­ning for beg­in­ners and advan­ced topics for expe­ri­en­ced opti­cal desi­gners. Optio­nal evening events are offe­red to fur­ther deepen know­ledge and prac­ti­cal skills.

The event will be held in English.


The tea­ching team is led by Her­bert Gross, an inter­na­tio­nally reco­gni­zed expert in the field of opti­cal sys­tem design with more than 30 years of indus­try expe­ri­ence in lea­ding posi­ti­ons in the pho­to­nics indus­try and hol­der of a pro­fes­sor­ship. His rese­arch focu­ses on opti­cal sys­tems, their design, model­ling, simu­la­tion and per­for­mance eva­lua­tion as well as aspects of metro­logy and implementation.



Par­ti­ci­pants should have expe­ri­ence using the OpticStudio/Zemax opti­cal design soft­ware and basic know­ledge of opti­cal design.

  • During the ›Basic Trai­ning‹ from Mon­day to Wed­nes­day par­ti­ci­pants will have the oppor­tu­nity to refresh fun­da­men­tal expe­ri­ence in the hand­ling of the soft­ware. Fur­ther topics will be Aberra­ti­ons, Opti­miza­tion, Asphe­res, Chro­ma­ti­cal cor­rec­tion, Mir­ror sys­tems and Cor­rec­tion methods. A short intro­duc­tion into Tole­ran­cing will com­plete the agenda.
  • The ›Advan­ced Trai­ning‹ on Thurs­day and Fri­day addres­ses more expe­ri­en­ced Opti­cal Desi­gners, who want to expand their know­ledge and skills in topics like Aberra­ti­ons, Dif­frac­tive ele­ments, Zoom len­ses or Micro­sco­pic len­ses. A main focus will be on Cor­rec­tion methods and Tolerancing.
  • The ›Basic Trai­ning‹ and the ›Avan­ced Trai­ning‹ build on one ano­ther and can be boo­ked both sepa­rate or com­bi­ned. For boo­king the whole trai­ning week we pro­vide attrac­tive conditions.

Please bring your own note­book equip­ped with a cur­rent Optic­Stu­dio pro­gram ver­sion. Soft­ware can not be provided.


The Sum­mer School will take place in Jena, the city of Ernst Abbe and Carl Zeiss who laid the foun­da­tion for modern optics 150 years ago. Since then the sci­ence city Jena has been shaped by inno­va­tive, light-based tech­no­lo­gies. Enjoy the spi­rit in the young uni­ver­sity town sur­roun­ded by a magni­fi­cent land­scape and well-known sights of Euro­pean history.

The venue is the FAIR Resort Hotel Jena. We meet there in a large, bright semi­nar room and offer you a great ambi­ence for the breaks.

The hotel is loca­ted just out­side the city cen­ter, which is why we recom­mend that all out-of-town par­ti­ci­pants stay over­night at the hotel. A con­tin­gent is reser­ved for you until 15.8.2021 and available under the key­word »Opto­Net« for 82 EUR / sin­gle room incl. break­fast and well­ness area.

Please reserve promptly by phone +49 (0)3641 76 76 or by email ed.letohriaf@ecivres.



We want to run a safe event and reduce the risk of infec­tion for all par­ti­ci­pants to the maxi­mum. This means:

  • We will pro­ba­bly limit the num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants. When plan­ning the room, we will of course take distance and hygiene rules into account.
  • Depen­ding on the cur­rent situa­tion, we may ask you to carry out a Corona rapid test on your own respon­si­bi­lity, to pre­sent a nega­tive PCR test and/or con­fir­ma­tion of a vaccination.
  • We will decide on the type and ext­ent of cate­ring at the appro­priate time.


The regis­tra­tion is open. Reser­va­tions are pos­si­ble. Mem­bers from our natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal part­ner clus­ters bene­fit from a con­sidera­ble discount.

Work­shop rela­ted costs, food and bever­a­ges during the semi­nar will be met by the orga­ni­zers. Con­fe­rence mate­ri­als, docu­ments and exer­ci­ses are included in the con­fe­rence fee. Par­ti­ci­pants are kindly expec­ted to cover the costs for their indi­vi­dual tra­vel and accom­mo­da­tion. Please bring your own note­book equip­ped with a cur­rent Optic­Stu­dio pro­gram ver­sion. Soft­ware can be pro­vi­ded in par­ti­cu­lar cases.

Atten­dance fees for the Sum­mer School depend on your pre­fer­red boo­king model:

  • Basic Trai­ning – 3 days – Sep­tem­ber 27 – 29, 2021
    1.740 EUR mem­ber fee (Opto­Net mem­bers, mem­bers of the Regio­nal Net­works of Optec­Net Ger­many and mem­bers of inter­na­tio­nal part­ner networks)
    2.460 EUR regular
  • Advan­ced Trai­ning – 2 days – Sep­tem­ber 30 – Octo­ber 1, 2021
    1.160 EUR mem­ber fee (Opto­Net mem­bers, mem­bers of the Regio­nal Net­works of Optec­Net Ger­many and mem­bers of inter­na­tio­nal part­ner networks)
    1.640 EUR regular
  • Basic + Advan­ced Trai­ning – 5 days – Sep­tem­ber 27 – Octo­ber 1, 2021
    2.500 EUR mem­ber fee (Opto­Net mem­bers, mem­bers of the Regio­nal Net­works of Optec­Net Ger­many and mem­bers of inter­na­tio­nal part­ner networks)
    3.800 EUR regular

(no VAT included accor­ding to §4 Nr. 22a UStG)

Mem­bers from our natio­nal (Optec­Net Ger­many) and inter­na­tio­nal part­ner clus­ters (SWISSMEM, Tech­no­logy Scot­land) bene­fit from a sub­stan­tial dis­count. Cont­act your clus­ter agency to receive the pass­word for the discount.


Appli­ca­ti­ons are con­duc­ted through the on-line form. A con­fir­ma­tion email will be sent once the appli­ca­tion has been recei­ved. The par­ti­ci­pant under­ta­kes the respon­si­bi­lity to pay the invoice(s) issued for the ser­vices in advance and before the due date indi­ca­ted on the invoice. Cash or che­ques will not be accepted. The trai­ning fees do not cover tra­vel, accom­mo­da­tion or any other costs such as health insu­rance. All boo­kings are pro­vi­sio­nal until full pay­ment has been recei­ved and ack­now­led­ged. Pro­vi­sio­nal Boo­kings can be reser­ved for up to 2 weeks, pro­vi­ded that the event’s maxi­mum capa­city has not been rea­ched. After pay­ment has been recei­ved in full, the participant’s reser­va­tion to the Sum­mer School will be confirmed.


The can­cel­la­tion has to be sent by email to ed.anej-tenotpo@ofni
Before July 30: Fees will be fully reim­bur­sed. A EUR 100 hand­ling fee will be with­held. Until August 27: 50% of the total fee will be reim­bur­sed. A EUR 100 hand­ling fee will be with­held. No refunds will be made for can­cel­la­ti­ons after August 27 or for no-shows. In case a par­ti­ci­pant would not be able to attend the trai­ning, a sub­sti­tute can be accepted. Trai­ning will be con­firmed as soon as the mini­mum num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants has been rea­ched. All par­ti­ci­pants will receive a final confirmation.Training fees are reim­bur­sed in case of can­cel­la­tion due to force majeure or due to spea­k­ers‹ pre­ven­ti­ons. No com­pen­sa­tion will be paid for any addi­tio­nal costs incurred.

The Pro­gram in Detail

Satur­day & Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 25–26

Arri­val in Jena

Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 27 | BASIC TRAINING

9:00 – 9:30
Wel­come & registration

9:30 – 10:45
Intro­duc­tion in opti­cal systems
Opti­cal mode­ling, par­axial optics, ray­trace, len­ses, mate­ri­als, opti­cal sys­tems, model, ray sets, pupil, vignet­ting, ima­ging, eten­due, sys­tem complexity

11:00 – 12:30
Intro­duc­tion into Zemax
Basic handling


14:00 – 15:30
Aberra­ti­ons I
Ray aberra­ti­ons, expan­si­ons, repre­sen­ta­ti­ons, pri­mary aberrations

15:30 – 16:45
Aberra­ti­ons II
Wave aberra­ti­ons, Ray­leigh and Marechal cri­te­ria, Zer­nike coef­fi­ci­ents, measurement

17:00 – 18:30
Aberra­ti­ons III
PSF, Strehl, MTF

Wel­come din­ner at tra­di­tio­nal restau­rant ›Zur Noll‹
Mee­ting point: 19:15 – ent­rance JenTower

Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 28 | BASIC TRAINING

9:00 – 10:00
Basic prin­ci­ples, cor­rec­tion pro­cess, cons­traints, ben­ding, initial sys­tems, glo­bal methods,

10:00 – 11:15
Cor­rec­tion methods I
lens split­ting, lens rem­oval, struc­ture, sym­me­try, stop posi­tion, field lens

11:30 – 12:30
Sur­face types, For­bes approach, sphe­ri­cal cor­rec­tion, opti­mal loca­tion of asphe­res, miscellaneous


14:00 – 15:15
Chro­ma­ti­cal cor­rec­tion I
Disper­sion, par­tial disper­sion, axial chro­ma­ti­cal aberra­tion, achro­ma­tiza­tion, clas­si­cal achro­mate setup, nega­tive, con­ver­gent light, apl­ana­tic, apo­chro­ma­tic correction

15:30 – 17:00
Chro­ma­ti­cal cor­rec­tion II
Split­ted achro­mate, Schup­man achro­mate, sphero­chro­ma­tism, late­ral chro­ma­ti­cal aberra­tion, miscellaneous

17:00 – 18:30


9:00 – 11:00
Mir­ror sys­tems and telescopes
Telesco­pes, setup and for­mu­las, reflec­ting telesco­pes, cata­di­op­tric sytems, Schiefspiegler

10:00 – 10:45
Field flat­tening
Intro­duc­tion, Petz­val theo­rem, cor­rec­tion of field cur­vat­ure, new achro­mate, examples

11:00 – 12:30
Simple sys­tems
4f sys­tems, endo­sco­pes, relays, eye­pie­ces, scan lenses


14:00 – 15:15

15:30 – 17:00
Tole­ran­cing I
Intro­duc­tion, tole­rance types, Tole­ran­cing, opti­cal data sheet

17:00 – 17:30
Feed­back & Farewell


9:00 – 9:30
Wel­come & introduction

9:30 – 10:15
Aberra­ti­ons IV
Hig­her orders, indu­ced aberra­ti­ons, sine con­di­tion, pupil aberra­ti­ons, apl­ana­tism, isoplanatism

10:30 – 11:30
Camera sys­tems
Over­view, sys­tem clas­si­fi­ca­tion, distinc­tive opti­cal design fea­tures, examples

11:30 – 12:30
Dif­frac­tive elements
Moti­va­tion, dif­frac­tion at the sur­face, model­ling dif­frac­tive sur­faces, aberra­ti­ons, cor­rec­tion, realization


14:00 – 15:15
Cor­rec­tion methods II
Apl­ana­tic sur­faces, mono­cen­tric sys­tems, wide field set­ups, vignet­ting, Scheim­pflug systems

15:30 – 17:00
Cor­rec­tion methods III
Stop opti­miza­tion, rela­tive pupil-FOV-posi­tion, sensitivity

19:30 – 21:00


9:00 – 10:00
Zoom len­ses
Prin­ci­ple, mecha­ni­cal com­pen­sa­tion, opti­cal com­pen­sa­tion, pupil, miscellaneous

10:00 – 10:45
Spe­cial sys­tem types
Ana­mo­r­pho­tic sys­tems, infrared sys­tems, spec­tro­me­ter, miscellaneous

11:00 – 12:30
Micro­sco­pic systems
Setup, objec­tive len­ses, tube optics, con­fo­cal setup, illu­mi­na­tion, ste­reo microscope


14:00 – 15:15
Tole­ran­cing II
Tole­rance table, Monte Carlo simu­la­tion, as built per­for­mance, tole­ran­cing of asphe­res, miscellaneous

15:30 – 16:30
Tole­ran­cing & adjustment
Adjus­t­ment, ther­mal simu­la­ti­ons, athermalization

16:30 – 17:00
Feed­back & Farewell

Event Type


FAIR Resort Hotel Jena
Ilm­nit­zer Land­straße 3
07751 Jena

dis­play in google maps


Opto­Net e.V.
Nora Kirs­ten

+49 3641 327 92 92

Book this Event

Boo­kings are no lon­ger pos­si­ble for this event.