Fraun­ho­fer IOF • Inter­na­tio­nal Pro­fes­sio­nal Deve­lo­p­ment ›Pho­to­nics Mana­ger Compact‹

2021 Jun 28 Mon

until July, 2 2021 | all-day

In up to one week, exe­cu­ti­ves can acquire the latest top know­ledge and trends in the most important areas of pho­to­nics directly from inter­na­tio­nal rese­arch in a com­pact form.

Tog­e­ther with lec­tu­r­ers from the “Abbe-Cen­ter of Pho­to­nics” of the Fried­rich Schil­ler Uni­ver­sity Jena, renow­ned sci­en­tists from the Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tute IOF offer their know-how in areas such as laser tech­no­lo­gies, coa­tings, opti­cal mea­su­ring sys­tems, opti­cal quan­tum tech­no­lo­gies and opti­cal design. Inno­va­tive tech­ni­ques as well as their appli­ca­ti­ons and trends will be taught and com­ple­men­ted with manage­ment methods.

Tar­get group

  • Emer­ging lea­ders as well as exe­cu­ti­ves who actively tackle the chal­lenges of the trans­forming pho­to­nics indus­try and pho­to­nics inno­va­tions in their companies
  • Mana­gers for inno­va­tion, stra­tegy, IT, HR or pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment within the pho­to­nics industry

Your bene­fit

  • Acquire up-to-date know­ledge about inno­va­tive methods and pro­ces­ses at various points of the pro­cess chain: from macro and micro optics to nano and quan­tum optics
  • Dis­co­ver pro­ces­ses and methods in the field of pho­to­nics to increase efficiency
  • Fami­lia­rize yours­elf with solu­ti­ons from various indus­tries and receive sug­ges­ti­ons for your inno­va­tion processes
  • Bene­fit from iden­ti­fy­ing trends for the next 3 to 5 years
  • Gain the oppor­tu­nity for a close exch­ange among exe­cu­ti­ves of the pho­to­nics industry


  • Appli­ca­tion per­spec­ti­ves and trends of ultras­hort lasers
  • Emer­ging trends in laser and fiber technology
  • Novel ave­nues in micros­truc­tu­red opti­cal components
  • Basics and trends in pho­to­nics quan­tum technology
  • Func­tional sur­faces and coa­tings – over­view and trends
  • Design stra­te­gies for opti­cal free­form com­pon­ents -– basics and trends
  • State-of-the-art and trends of opti­cal mea­su­re­ment tech­ni­ques and systems
  • Pro­s­pects, chal­lenges and new ways of com­plex opti­cal systems
  • Trends in the pho­to­nics markets
  • Future of lea­der­ship in photonics

Pro­fes­sio­nal exch­ange, net­wor­king and evening events included

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion and online boo­king:

Note on the cur­rent situation

We are plan­ning an alter­nate date of Sep­tem­ber 6 – 10, 2021 if the pro­gram can­not take place at the end of June.

If the alter­na­tive date can­not be held as an in-per­son event eit­her due to the pan­de­mic, we will offer the pro­gram online via Micro­soft Teams in September.

Event Type


Fraun­ho­fer IOF
Albert-Ein­stein-Str. 7
07745 Jena

dis­play in google maps


Opto­Net e.V.
Fran­ziska Krieg

+49 3641 807–212