Opto­Net Semi­nar – Illu­mi­na­tion Optics

2022 Jul 11 Mon

until July, 15 2022 | 9:00 – 17:00

Chal­lenges & Solu­ti­ons for Optics Design

The semi­nar will pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive insight into the phy­sics and mathe­ma­tics of illu­mi­na­tion optics and will equip par­ti­ci­pants with a »tool­box« of methods and design ele­ments. A num­ber of arche­typal examp­les will be used to explain how pro­blems can be ana­ly­zed using basic prin­ci­ples and how these insights and the tool­box can be used to create good design approaches.


  • Opti­cal fun­da­men­tals (ray optics)
  • Radiometric/photometric quan­ti­ties, inclu­ding moti­va­tion and measurement
  • Phase space: what is it?
  • Pho­to­me­tric quan­ti­ties in phase space
  • Light sources, and how to model them
  • Simu­la­tion of illu­mi­na­tion opti­cal systems
  • Colo­ri­me­try and color mixing
  • Design methods / arche­typal design approaches
  • Arche­typal design pro­blems and their solution


The semi­nar is aimed at opti­cal desi­gners, deve­lo­pers and engi­neers who deal with illu­mi­na­tion optics in the course of their work and the­r­e­fore want to gain a deeper under­stan­ding of light for illu­mi­na­tion and its prac­ti­cal application.


In the semi­nar, both fun­da­men­tals and in-depth topics are dealt with in a struc­tu­red and prac­ti­cal man­ner. Many exer­ci­ses and small expe­ri­ments are an inte­gral part and con­tri­bute to a deeper under­stan­ding. Indi­vi­dual ques­ti­ons and pro­blems of the par­ti­ci­pants will be discussed.


Phy­si­cist Julius Muscha­weck has been invol­ved in opti­cal design for illu­mi­na­tion for over twenty years. After a stay at the Uni­ver­sity of Chi­cago as a Visi­ting Scho­lar  with Prof. Roland Win­s­ton (known as the foun­der of Noni­ma­ging Optics), he co-foun­ded an opti­cal engi­nee­ring ser­vice com­pany (OEC) that pio­nee­red free­form optics. At OSRAM, he later held the posi­tion of Senior Prin­ci­pal Key Expert and coor­di­na­ted over 100 OSRAM opti­cal desi­gners world­wide. He then moved to ARRI, the lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of film came­ras and lumi­n­aires, as Prin­ci­pal Opti­cal Sci­en­tist. Julius Muscha­weck curr­ently works as an inde­pen­dent con­sul­tant pro­vi­ding illu­mi­na­tion optics solu­ti­ons to indus­trial cli­ents. He is the aut­hor of over 25 sci­en­ti­fic publications.
Web­site JM Optics

Julius Muscha­weck is sup­ported by Dr. Hen­ning Rehn. The phy­si­cist with a PhD, who worked in Jena until 2001, first at the Fried­rich Schil­ler Uni­ver­sity and later at Carl Zeiss, has out­stan­ding know­ledge in the design of illu­mi­na­tion optics. From 2001–2018, he was active in Lamp Deve­lo­p­ment and LED Pro­ducts at OSRAM, among others, before moving to Switz­er­land in 2018.
Lin­ke­dIN Profile


Module 1 · Colo­ri­me­try

  • get to know and under­stand the com­mon color spaces, incl. CIE 1931 XYZ
  • addi­tive color mixing and LED binning
  • cal­cu­la­ti­ons of which LEDs are nee­ded in which pro­por­ti­ons to achieve a desi­red color and brightness
  • using the JMO Mat­lab® Spec­trum Library (open source – for Mat­lab users)
  • Color ren­de­ring index (CRI), dis­ad­van­ta­ges and limitations
  • Using dif­fe­rent mea­su­res of color dif­fe­rence to assess homogeneity

Module 2 · Under­stan­ding light

  • Con­cept of Eten­due & appli­ca­tion to prac­ti­cal problems
  • Cal­cu­la­ting eten­due even in com­plex situa­tions using com­mer­ci­ally available ray tra­cing software
  • Lumi­nous flux, lumi­nous inten­sity, illu­mi­nance and luminance
  • Cal­cu­la­tion of lumi­nance of com­mer­ci­ally available LEDs from data sheet infor­ma­tion and use in opti­cal design
  • Use of lumi­nance, lumi­nous flux, and eten­due for the fea­si­bi­lity of an illu­mi­na­tion optics pro­blem and for design approaches

Module 3 · Opti­cal Ele­ments & Architectures

  • Buil­ding blocks of illu­mi­na­tion opti­cal systems
  • Use of »design pat­terns« (approa­ches to solve typi­cal pro­blems) for light­ing optics problems

Module 4 · Mode­ling Light Sources & Light­ing Systems

  • Use of light source models
  • Buil­ding well-func­tio­ning light source models inclu­ding spectra
  • Monte Carlo ray tra­cing software
  • Mode­ling opti­ons for sur­faces and mate­ri­als and how to eva­luate them
  • App­ly­ing con­cepts from Module 2 to mode­ling light sources and systems
  • Mode­ling opti­ons of opti­cal effects

The four course modu­les can be boo­ked indi­vi­du­ally or as a block. Since we expect inter­na­tio­nal par­ti­ci­pants, the cour­ses will be held in English.

Module Date Course Fee
Module 1–4 Mon­day – Friday spe­cial prize
2.500 EUR members
3.800 EUR regular
Module 1 ·
Mon­day, 11 July 2022 580 EUR members

820 EUR regular

Modul 2 ·
Under­stan­ding Light
Tues­day, 12 July 2022
Wed­nes­day, 13 July 2022
1.160 EUR members

1.640 EUR regular

Modul 3 ·
Opti­cal Ele­ments & Architectures
Thurs­day, 14 July 2022 580 EUR members

820 EUR regular

Modul 4 ·
Mode­ling Light Sources & Light­ing Systems
Fri­day, 15 July 2022 580 EUR members

820 EUR regular


The semi­nar will take place in the pan­orama ban­quet of the Jen­Tower (27th floor), Leu­tra­gra­ben 1 in Jena. With pro­fes­sio­nal tech­ni­cal equip­ment and a plea­santly undis­tur­bed envi­ron­ment at a height of 128 m, the best con­di­ti­ons for con­cen­tra­ted work are crea­ted. During the breaks, we offer healthy, balan­ced cui­sine for refresh­ment and well-being.


  • Upon receipt of your regis­tra­tion, you will receive a regis­tra­tion confirmation.
  • The event is sche­du­led as a face-to-face event. In case of rene­wed cont­act rest­ric­tions, we reserve the right to hold the event as an online format.
  • Can­cel­la­ti­ons can only be accepted in writ­ten form. Free of charge until 10 June 2022, after that the full par­ti­ci­pant fee has to be paid. We will gladly accept a sub­sti­tute participant.
  • We reserve the right to can­cel the event at short notice if the num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants is too low.
  • You will receive an appro­priate cer­ti­fi­cate after suc­cessful participation.


We assure all par­ti­ci­pants a hygiene con­cept adapted to the infec­tion situation.


We recom­mend the fol­lo­wing hotels near the venue:

Hotel SCALA › chic busi­ness hotel with a fan­ta­stic view over the city of Jena
Hotel Zur Noll › plea­sant down­town hotel with Thu­rin­gian cuisine
Hotel Viel­har­mo­nie › small indi­vi­dual hotel for city tourists
Hotel Eulen­steins › modern bou­tique hotel with eco­lo­gi­cal orientation


By sen­ding this regis­tra­tion form you agree that your name will be included in a list of par­ti­ci­pants which will be available to the other participants.


Event Type


SCALA Pan­ora­m­aban­kett
Leu­tra­gra­ben 1
07743 Jena

dis­play in google maps


Opto­Net e.V.
Nora Kirs­ten

+49 3641 327 92 92

Book this Event

Boo­kings are no lon­ger pos­si­ble for this event.