2023 Jun 27 Tue

until June, 30 2023 | all-day


After a suc­cessful pre­sence this year, Optec­Net Ger­many will again offer its popu­lar joint booth at LASER World of PHOTONICS from June 27–30, 2023.

If you would like to par­ti­ci­pate again as an exhi­bi­tor at the joint booth, you can regis­ter in advance for a booth space by sen­ding an email to ed.tencetpo@essem.

LASER World of PHOTONICS, the world’s lea­ding trade fair and con­gress for pho­to­nic com­pon­ents, sys­tems and appli­ca­ti­ons, has been set­ting stan­dards since 1973 – in size, diver­sity and rele­vance. And it does so with a first-class range of pro­ducts and ser­vices. Only here can you find the com­bi­na­tion of rese­arch, tech­no­logy and application.

At LASER World of PHOTONICS 2023, three forums will offer an exci­ting and appli­ca­tion-ori­en­ted pro­gram of lec­tures on the latest appli­ca­ti­ons of lasers and pho­to­nics – sor­ted by appli­ca­tion area or technology.

This year, the World of QUANTUM will again fea­ture a top-class lec­ture pro­gram. The topics and details can be found here.

  • Forum Lasers and Optics (Hall A2)
  • Forum Laser Mate­ri­als Pro­ces­sing (Hall B3)
  • Forum Bio­pho­to­nics & Medi­cal Appli­ca­ti­ons (Hall B2)

The lec­ture pro­gram con­sists of the fol­lo­wing formats:

Appli­ca­tion Panels
The Appli­ca­tion Panels are a series of appli­ca­tion-ori­en­ted lec­tures on a cur­rent topic with the aim of illu­mi­na­ting all facets through various lec­tures and spea­k­ers. An appli­ca­tion panel lasts for two hours. For each appli­ca­tion panel, the pro­gram is put tog­e­ther and the spea­k­ers sel­ec­ted by chairs or experts who also mode­rate the panel.

Pre­sen­ta­ti­ons by exhibitors
LASER World of PHOTONICS exhi­bi­tors will pre­sent their latest pro­ducts, sys­tems and ser­vices in 20-minute talks.

Other high­lights

  • In addi­tion, other pro­gram high­lights such as dis­cus­sion panels or award cere­mo­nies will take place at the forums.
  • Atten­dance at the forums is included in the tickets for the trade fair and is free of charge. The lan­guage of the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons is English.
  • Start­ing in 2023, visi­tors to LASER World of PHOTONICS and World of QUANTUM can also use their trade show ticket to visit the Forum, the Start Up Area and the Vision Expert Hudd­les at automatica.

Event Type


Messe Mün­chen GmbH
81823 München

dis­play in google maps


Opto­Net e.V.

+49 (0) 3641 573365–0