Uti­li­zing a LiDAR laser scan­ner in fruit trees

2021 Nov 4 Thu

10:00 – 11:00

In con­trast with ara­ble crops, peren­nial trees are gro­wing in 3D. The recent advance­ment of 3D sen­sors and tech­ni­ques allow the moni­to­ring of tree and fruit growth with high spa­tio-tem­po­ral reso­lu­tion. This pre­sen­ta­tion will ana­lyse how LiDAR sen­sors can be uti­li­zed in hor­ti­cul­ture and which tech­ni­ques can be applied to extract 3D plant infor­ma­tion that could be exploi­ted by the farmer.

Mr. Tsoulias holds a BSc in Agri­cul­tu­ral Engi­nee­ring from Agri­cul­tu­ral Uni­ver­sity of Athens and a MSc in Pre­cis­ion Far­ming from Har­per Adams Uni­ver­sity (UK). Bes­i­des his stu­dies he has worked as a rese­arch sci­en­tist at Har­per Adams Uni­ver­sity on deve­lo­ping soft­ware for 2D LIDAR scan­ners to obtain data in 3 dimen­si­ons in real time. At pre­sent he is working as post-doc­to­ral rese­ar­cher in SHEET pro­ject in ATB, uti­li­zing LiDAR sen­sor and ther­mal camera for pre­dic­ting sun­b­urn on app­les and cher­ries in field conditions.

This talk will be held in English.

This online semi­nar takes place as part of the PhotonicNet4Farming project.

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The Par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the online semi­nar is free of charge: REGISTRATION



Event Type



Pho­to­nic­Net GmbH
Fabien Flo­rian Fliegner

+40 (0)511–277 1643