Optics Meet-Up @ KOMBINAT 01

2022 Apr 7 Thu

19:00 – 22:00

3 Inputs · Talks · Networking

Fol­lo­wing the great suc­cess of the first Optics Meet-Up in Octo­ber 2021, we are happy to invite you to the next chap­ter. In the evening of 7 April we’d like to dis­cuss new soft­ware prin­ci­ples, how manu­fac­tu­ring may limit opti­cal designs and learn about opti­cal per­for­man­ces and capa­bi­li­ties of 3D prin­ted micro-optics.

We are loo­king for­ward to wel­come you in the Kom­bi­nat 01 / West­bahn­hofstr. 13. Please find your way via Plat­form 1 of the train station.

→ Ope­ning Remarks
Anke Sieg­meier · Opto­Net Pho­to­nics Net­work Thuringia


#1 Intro­du­cing Qua­doa Opti­cal CAD 
Jens Siep­man & Goran Baer · Qua­doa Opti­cal Systems

The Qua­doa experts will give an over­view of the upco­ming release of their next gene­ra­tion opti­cal design soft­ware and pre­sent core soft­ware prin­ci­ples, show­ing how they improve on exis­ting design approaches.


#2 Manu­fac­tu­ring and assem­bly limi­ta­ti­ons to con­sider when desig­ning an opti­cal system
Kse­niia Zava­ts­kaia · Pho­to­nics Pre­cis­ion Engineering

In this pre­sen­ta­tion Kse­niia will share prac­ti­cal recom­men­da­ti­ons on how to make your sys­tem more manu­fac­tu­ring-fri­endly and increase the odds of it per­forming pro­perly. Her best prac­ti­ses ori­gi­nate from per­so­nal design and trou­ble­shoo­ting expe­ri­ence in close coope­ra­tion with a manu­fac­tu­ring unit.


#3 Trans­la­ting opti­cal design free­dom into 3D prin­ted micro-optics
Nils Fahr­bach · Printoptix

Com­ple­xity is a free resource in 3D prin­ting. Print­op­tix will show dif­fe­rent examp­les of how the geo­me­tri­cal design free­dom can lead to micro-opti­cal devices with supe­rior opti­cal per­for­mance while being manu­fac­tura­ble in a sin­gle pro­cess step.


Open Dis­cus­sion · Net­wor­king until 10 pm


After the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons a Hands-on Work­shop on Qua­doa Opti­cal CAD is offe­red in a sepa­rate room for those of you inte­res­ted. The goal is to explore the soft­ware tog­e­ther and to demons­trate Quadoa’s fea­tures and per­form some exem­plary design tasks. Feel free to pro­vide your own opti­cal design chal­lenges and see how well Qua­doa is suited.



Boo­king conditions

  • The event can be boo­ked imme­dia­tely. Par­ti­ci­pa­tion is free of charge.
  • After your regis­tra­tion you will receive a confirmation.
  • The 3G rule applies.


We are loo­king for­ward to see­ing you again – the exch­ange and the atmosphere!

Event Type


Kom­bi­nat 01 | Cowor­king GmbH
West­bahn­hof­straße 13
07745 Jena

dis­play in google maps


PPE Pho­to­nics Pre­cis­ion Engineering
Dr. Jan Werschnik

+49 (0) 163 380 42 77

Book this Event

Boo­kings are no lon­ger pos­si­ble for this event.