Opto­Net-Work­shop · Tolerancing

2024 Feb. 28 Mi.

bis 29. Februar 2024 | ganztägig

Con­cepts · Tools · Methods

The pur­pose of this course is to pre­sent con­cepts, tools, and methods of the tole­ran­cing pro­cess from assig­ning initial tole­rance values, per­forming sen­si­ti­vity stu­dies, deve­lo­ping ali­gnment stra­te­gies inclu­ding com­pen­sa­tor choice, gene­ra­ting error bud­gets to per­forming Monte Carlo ana­ly­sis. That will help atten­dees deter­mine opti­mal tole­ran­ces for opti­cal sys­tems. Detailed topics in the course apply to dif­fe­rent types of sys­tems being deve­lo­ped – from low-end sin­gle ele­ment to com­plex sys­tems like micro­sco­pic or pho­to­gra­phic len­ses. The importance of tole­ran­cing throug­hout the design pro­cess is dis­cus­sed in detail, inclu­ding deter­mi­ning robust­ness of the spe­ci­fi­ca­tion and design for manu­fac­ture and operation. 

Examp­les are included to help rese­ar­chers, desi­gners, engi­neers, and tech­ni­ci­ans prac­ti­cally apply the con­cepts to plan, design, engi­neer, and build high-qua­lity cost-com­pe­ti­tive opti­cal systems.

Tar­get audience

  • For rese­ar­chers, desi­gners, engi­neers, and technicians
  • The work­shop will be held in English.

Prior know­ledge & requirements

  • basic under­stan­ding of opti­cal sys­tems, opti­cal design con­cepts and opti­cal per­for­mance criteria
  • examp­les will be shown in Zemax OpticStudio
  • par­ti­ci­pants should bring lap­top with working Zemax Optic Stu­dio & Excel

AGENDA · DAY 1 (Febru­ary, 28) · 13:30 – 16:00

TimeTopic & Content
  • Intro­duc­tion of participants
  • Why tole­ran­cing?
14:00Pro­cess & error budget
  • Tole­ran­cing process
  • How is the error bud­get built & rela­tion to (as-built-) specification
14:15Tole­rance types
  • Distinc­tion of sym­me­tri­cal & asym­me­tri­cal tolerances
  • Rela­tion of manufacturing/mounting tech­no­lo­gies with tolerances
  • Link to ISO 10110
  • Cost impact of tolerances
15:15Cof­fee break
15:30Opti­cal datasheet
  • Opti­cal data­sheet as sum­mary of all sys­tem rele­vant data
16:00Ende of Day 1

AGENDA · DAY 2 (Febru­ary, 29) · 9:00 – 16:30

9:00Sen­si­ti­vity analysis/table
  • Cal­cu­la­tion of sen­si­ti­vity table
  • Exam­ple split/cemented doublet
10:00Exer­cise I: Sen­si­ti­vity analysis/table
  • Prac­ti­cal exer­cise of Sen­si­ti­vity table based on Dou­ble Gauss, Cooke Tri­plet or similar
11:00Cof­fee break
11:15Com­pen­sa­tor choice & ali­gnment concept
  • Clas­si­cal compensators
  • Ali­gnment strategies
  • Exam­ple split/cemented doublet
12:00Exer­cise II: Sen­si­ti­vity analysis/table
  • Prac­ti­cal exer­cise of Sen­si­ti­vity table inclu­ding com­pen­sa­tion expan­sion of Exer­cise I
12:30Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Tole­rance distributions
  • Choice of Performance/evaluation criteria
  • Ali­gnment process
13:00Lunch break SCALA Restaurant
14:00Exer­cise III: Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Prac­ti­cal exer­cise of Monte Carlo simu­la­tion based on exam­ple of Exer­cise I & II
15:00Cof­fee break
15:15Tole­ran­cing in the con­text of con­su­mer optics
  • Asphe­res & free­form lenses
  • Poly­mer components
  • Tole­ran­ces of light sources
16:00Sum­mary & Feedback

Refe­rent profiles

Kris­tina Uhlen­dorfLin­ke­dIn is head of the Opti­cal Engi­nee­ring group at Magic Leap Inc. She recei­ved her MS and PhD in Physics/Optics from the Fried­rich-Schil­ler Uni­ver­sity Jena, Ger­many. After gra­dua­ting, she spent 11 years at Carl Zeiss desig­ning pre­cis­ion opti­cal assem­blies such as mask/wafer inspec­tion sys­tems, pho­to­gra­phic len­ses and pro­jec­tion optics. Before she joi­ned Magic Leap in 2021 she worked at the Rese­arch School of Astro­nomy & Astro­phy­sics, ANU Can­berra, Aus­tra­lia; Jen­op­tik Opti­cal Sys­tems GmbH, Ger­many and Jabil Optics GmbH, Ger­many. She has expe­ri­ence desig­ning a wide range of opti­cal sys­tems from UV to IR, endo­sco­pic len­ses to telesco­pes with a strong focus on tole­ran­cing and manufacturability.

Tobias HönleLin­ke­dIn stu­died laser and opto­tech­no­lo­gies at the Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­en­ces in Jena, Ger­many. After­wards, he gai­ned expe­ri­ence in opti­cal design, as well as the tole­ran­cing of opti­cal sys­tems in various appli­ca­tion areas, espe­ci­ally for sys­tems with asphe­ri­cal pla­s­tic len­ses, in dif­fe­rent posi­ti­ons at Carl Zeiss, Fraun­ho­fer IOF and Jen­op­tik in Jena. Since 2022, he has been working on the deve­lo­p­ment of AR glas­ses at Magic Leap, Inc. and is lea­ding the opti­cal design team there since July 2023.


  • The work­shop will take place in Jena, the city of Ernst Abbe and Carl Zeiss who laid the foun­da­tion for modern optics 150 years ago. Since then, the sci­ence city Jena has been shaped by inno­va­tive, light-based tech­no­lo­gies. Enjoy the spi­rit in the young uni­ver­sity town sur­roun­ded by a magni­fi­cent land­scape and well-known sights of Euro­pean history.
  • The venue is the SCALA Sky Con­fe­rence on top of the Jentower.
  • With pro­fes­sio­nal tech­ni­cal equip­ment and a plea­santly undis­tur­bed envi­ron­ment in an inno­va­tive dyna­mic envi­ron­ment, the best con­di­ti­ons for con­cen­tra­ted work are created.


  • The regis­tra­tion is open. Opto­Net mem­bers bene­fit from a spe­cial price.
  • Con­fe­rence mate­ri­als, docu­ments and exer­ci­ses are included in the con­fe­rence fee.
  • Par­ti­ci­pants are kindly expec­ted to cover the costs for their indi­vi­dual tra­vel and accommodation.
  • Please bring your own note­book with working Zemax Optic Stu­dio & Excel.

Can­cel­la­tion Policy

  • Can­cel­la­ti­ons must be made by email and are free of charge until 20 January.
  • No refunds will be made for can­cel­la­ti­ons after Janu­ary 20 or for no-shows.
  • In case a par­ti­ci­pant would not be able to attend the trai­ning, a sub­sti­tute can be accepted. Trai­ning will be con­firmed as soon as the mini­mum num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants has been rea­ched. All par­ti­ci­pants will receive a final con­fir­ma­tion. Trai­ning fees are reim­bur­sed in case of can­cel­la­tion due to force majeure or due to spea­k­ers pre­ven­ti­ons. No com­pen­sa­tion will be paid for any addi­tio­nal costs incurred.

Acco­mo­da­tion Recommendation

We recom­mend the fol­lo­wing hotels near the venue:


By sub­mit­ting this regis­tra­tion form, you agree that your name will be included on a list of par­ti­ci­pants, which will be available to the other par­ti­ci­pants and to the co-orga­ni­zer. Fur­ther­more, you agree that pic­tures of the event can be shown on our web­sites and our social media accounts, unless you expli­citly object before the event.




SCALA Sky Conference
Leu­tra­gra­ben 1
07743 Jena

In Google Maps suchen


Opto­Net e.V.
Anke Sieg­meier

03641 327 92 91

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