Plas­mo­nic Devices Fabri­ca­ted by Two-Pho­ton Poly­me­riza­tion and Micro­scope Pro­jec­tion Photolithography

2020 Oct 8 Thu

11:00 – 12:00


Plas­mo­nics is a rapidly deve­lo­ping field that takes advan­tage of the cou­pling of light to elec­tric char­ges in metals at a dielectric–metal inter­face. This allows for the loca­liza­tion of light into sub­wa­ve­length dimen­si­ons, enab­ling strong field con­fi­ne­ment and enhance­ment. This fea­ture is pro­mi­sing to meet the demands for pro­gres­sive minia­tu­riza­tion and com­pact inte­gra­tion of more com­plex opti­cal devices and net­works. With respect to the rea­liza­tion of plas­mo­nic devices, direct laser wri­ting by two-pho­ton poly­me­riza­tion (2PP) is one of the most pro­mi­sing approa­ches for fabri­ca­tion of high-reso­lu­tion 3D micro- and nanos­truc­tures. Micro­scope pro­jec­tion pho­to­li­tho­gra­phy (MPP) which enables rapid and fle­xi­ble struc­tu­ring is powerful in high-reso­lu­tion 2D manu­fac­tu­ring. In this pre­sen­ta­tion, various 2D and 3D plas­mo­nic devices crea­ted by 2PP and MPP are pre­sen­ted. Their pro­per­ties were cha­rac­te­ri­zed using leakage radia­tion micro­scopy, in par­ti­cu­lar exci­ta­tion and visua­liza­tion of sur­face plas­mon pola­ri­tons (SPPs) was demons­tra­ted. Such plas­mo­nic mani­pu­la­tion effects are pro­mi­sing ele­ments for the deve­lo­p­ment of novel nano­pho­to­nic and plas­mo­nic devices, e. g. opti­cal sen­sors, wave­gui­des and opti­cal trap­ping devices at the nanoscale.


Par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the online semi­nar is free of charge. REGISTRATION


Dr. Lei Zheng stu­died Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring and recei­ved her Ph.D. in 2018. Curr­ently, she is Post­doc­to­ral Rese­ar­cher at the Han­no­ver Cen­ter for Opti­cal Tech­no­lo­gies & Gott­fried Wil­helm Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­tät Hannover.

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Pho­to­nic­Net GmbH
Fabien Flie­gner

+49 (0)511–277 1643