Smart Agrif­ood Indus­try Expo

2021 May 25 Tue

until May, 26 2021 | all-day

The Smart Agrif­ood Indus­try Expo is a vir­tual trade fair-con­gress that will bring tog­e­ther the lea­ding experts in tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tion applied to the agrif­ood sec­tor. The event will show­case dif­fe­rent types of inno­va­tion that apply to the entire value chain in a trans­ver­sal way: from raw mate­ri­als, through the pro­ces­sing indus­try, to food pack­a­ging and dis­tri­bu­tion. This is the ideal event where you can catch up on inno­va­tion trends to solve today’s chal­lenges facing tomorrow’s industry.

The Smart Agrif­ood Indus­try Expo is a win­dow to a large num­ber of cont­acts and news through access to a vir­tual envi­ron­ment, with the con­ve­ni­ence of not having to tra­vel and the supe­rior per­for­mance offe­red by the auto­ma­tic digi­ti­sa­tion of cont­acts. The 2‑day trade fair-con­gress will take place in sec­phol­and, an inno­va­tive online busi­ness plat­form that simu­la­tes an inter­ac­tive vir­tual envi­ron­ment where you can easily find cont­acts and con­nect with cus­to­mers, part­ners and experts in tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tion. On the plat­form you will be able to visit the stands in an immersive 3D envi­ron­ment, arrange pri­vate mee­tings with other users, access busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties, as well as keep up to date with the inno­va­tion taking place in the agrif­ood sector.

Match­ma­king session

The match­ma­king ses­sion will take place in the area reser­ved for pri­vate mee­tings. The sec­pho team will take care of all the tech­ni­cal details so that all you have to worry about is mee­ting and making new contacts.


This fair will be held on the vir­tual plat­form secpholand.


Atten­dance at this event is free for mem­bers of the sec­pho eco­sys­tem and is pri­ced at an early-bird fee for non-mem­bers regis­tra­ti­ons before 07/04. Click here for registration.


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