News › Fraun­ho­fer IOF • New 3D sen­sor scans trans­pa­rent objects

A new mea­su­re­ment method for 3D shape acqui­si­tion has been deve­lo­ped by rese­ar­chers at the Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tute for Applied Optics and Pre­cis­ion Engi­nee­ring IOF. With their “MWIR-3D sen­sor”, they can scan objects three-dimen­sio­nally, regard­less of whe­ther they are made of trans­pa­rent pla­s­tic or glass. Even objects with shiny metal­lic or jet-black sur­faces can be detec­ted wit­hout any dif­fi­cul­ties. Com­bi­ning dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als is also no pro­blem for the new 3D infrared sen­sor. In the field of 3D sen­sor tech­no­logy, this degree of fle­xi­bi­lity in the pro­per­ties of the object is a first. Appli­ca­ti­ons are con­ceiva­ble in areas such as qua­lity con­trol in pro­duc­tion and robotics. 

Glass and trans­pa­rent objects become visi­ble to machines

Until now, if you wan­ted to mea­sure reflec­tive, trans­pa­rent or black sur­faces accu­ra­tely with con­ven­tio­nal 3D scan­ners, you first had to treat their sur­face for this pur­pose. This means that the objects were tem­po­r­a­rily coa­ted with var­nish for the mea­su­re­ment. After the scan, this usually had to be remo­ved again at great effort.

The latest inven­tion by Fraun­ho­fer IOF will make this imprac­ti­cal and time-con­sum­ing tre­at­ment of the object super­fluous in the future. Due to the size of the mea­su­ring field as well as the reso­lu­tion and speed, the method is also sui­ta­ble for qua­lity con­trol in pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses or for appli­ca­ti­ons in automation.

This is pos­si­ble because rese­ar­chers at the Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tute in Jena have suc­cee­ded in making ther­mal radia­tion usable for 3D mea­su­re­ment. The rese­ar­chers the­r­e­fore refer to this method as “3D sens­ing in the ther­mal infrared range”. At the heart of the sys­tem is a high-energy CO2 laser with which the objects are irradiated.

Using spe­cial len­ses for high power den­si­ties, the laser beam is expan­ded into a line that ver­ti­cally illu­mi­na­tes the entire object. For a high-reso­lu­tion mea­su­re­ment result, this line is moved over the object in a spe­ci­ally coor­di­na­ted sequence. The energy of the laser light is absor­bed by the mea­su­red object and par­ti­ally re-emitted.

Com­bi­na­tion of ther­mo­gra­phy and triangulation

Two ther­mal ima­ging came­ras ana­lyze the ther­mal signa­ture left by the nar­row and intense infrared line on the object from two dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves. After­wards, a soft­ware deve­lo­ped in-house cal­cu­la­tes spa­tial pixels from the infor­ma­tion of the two vie­w­ing angles and mer­ges them into the exact dimen­si­ons of the mea­su­red object.

The ther­mal energy intro­du­ced for the 3D ana­ly­sis is so low that the object is not dama­ged. The tem­pe­ra­ture dif­fe­rence bet­ween hea­ted and non-hea­ted sur­faces is typi­cally less than 3 °C. For this reason, the method is also sui­ta­ble for sen­si­tive materials.

“By swit­ching from a full-sur­face ther­mal pat­tern to a nar­row ther­mal strip, we have suc­cee­ded in advan­cing the tech­no­logy in such a way that we can meet the requi­re­ments pla­ced on a 3D sen­sor in indus­trial use,” empha­si­zes Mar­tin Land­mann, a rese­ar­cher of the “Ima­ging and Sens­ing” depart­ment at Fraun­ho­fer IOF. Tog­e­ther with his team and a group of rese­ar­chers of the inno­va­tion alli­ance “3Dsensation”, he has been working on the sys­tem since 2017.

“With adap­tive mir­ror optics, we have suc­cee­ded in focu­sing the power of the laser on a much smal­ler sur­face, thus pro­vi­ding the neces­sary con­trast for the ther­mal ima­ging came­ras much fas­ter. Only this made it pos­si­ble to achieve an accu­racy of less than 10 µm for the 3D coor­di­na­tes with a field of view width of 160 mm,« he explains.

Con­ceiva­ble appli­ca­ti­ons in robotics

Fol­lo­wing the suc­cessful sci­en­ti­fic demons­tra­tion of the new mea­su­re­ment method, the rese­ar­chers are now working inten­si­vely to make the mea­su­re­ment prin­ci­ple ready for the mar­ket: “For us, it is now a mat­ter of trans­fer­ring the sys­tem from the labo­ra­tory to prac­ti­cal use,” explains Mar­tin Land­mann. He alre­ady has con­crete areas of appli­ca­tion in mind: “The para­me­ters of our sys­tem allow us to opti­mize it for dif­fe­rent appli­ca­tion sce­na­rios. If we reduce the reso­lu­tion to below 50 µm, we can record a ste­reo­sco­pic data set in under a second and are thus fast enough for appli­ca­ti­ons in robotics.”

At Fraun­ho­fer IOF, rese­ar­chers are curr­ently deve­lo­ping various sys­tems based on the MWIR 3D mea­su­re­ment method. In addi­tion to opti­mi­zing the method for various mea­su­re­ment sce­na­rios and app­ly­ing it in indus­trial plants, the team led by Mar­tin Land­mann and group lea­der Dr. Ste­fan Heist is working on a sys­tem for use in robo­tics. This sys­tem focu­ses on trans­forming the labo­ra­tory setup into a pro­to­type that is as com­pact and robust as pos­si­ble. In this way, robots can be enab­led to reco­gnize and grasp trans­pa­rent objects.

The first appli­ca­tion-ori­en­ted sys­tem that uses this MWIR 3D mea­su­ring prin­ci­ple is “Glass360Dgree”. The sys­tem is spe­ci­ally desi­gned for che­cking glass ele­ments in optics pro­duc­tion and is also inten­ded to be used by rese­arch part­ners to test how the mea­su­re­ment pro­cess can be inte­gra­ted into a variety of robo­tic processes.

Das erste anwen­dungs­nahe Sys­tem, das die­ses MWIR-3D-Mess­prin­zip nutzt, ist »Glass360Dgree«. Das Sys­tem ist spe­zi­ell für die Über­prü­fung von Glas­kör­pern in der Optik­fer­ti­gung aus­ge­legt und soll im wei­te­ren Ver­lauf auch von For­schungs­part­nern genutzt wer­den, um zu tes­ten, wie sich das Mess­ver­fah­ren in ver­schie­denste Robo­tik­pro­zesse inte­grie­ren lässt. Die For­schen­den des Fraun­ho­fer IOF prä­sen­tie­ren »Glass360Dgree« der Öffent­lich­keit erst­mals ab dem 3. Mai auf der »Con­trol-Vir­tu­ell«, der inter­na­tio­na­len Fach­messe für Qualitätssicherung.

Trade jour­nal “inVI­SION” honors new sen­sor as “Top Inno­va­tion 2021”

The new 3D mea­su­re­ment method in the ther­mal infrared region was recently sel­ec­ted as “Top Inno­va­tion 2021” by the maga­zine “inVI­SION” – a trade jour­nal for the topics of image pro­ces­sing, embedded vision and mea­su­re­ment tech­no­logy. “We are very plea­sed about the inVI­SION award,” says group lea­der Dr. Ste­fan Heist. “This is a won­derful con­fir­ma­tion of our inten­sive work over the past years and a great moti­va­tion to keep enhan­cing our 3D ther­mal system.”

Video demons­tra­tion and sci­en­ti­fic publication

You can see a video demons­tra­tion of the mea­su­re­ment sys­tem on You­Tube. The rese­ar­chers also published their fun­da­men­tal sci­en­ti­fic deve­lo­p­ments on the MWIR-3D method at »The Euro­pean Phy­si­cal Jour­nal Con­fe­ren­ces 2020«.


Dr. Ste­fan Heist
Fraun­ho­fer IOF
+49 3641 807–214