News › JABIL · Indus­try coope­ra­tion leads to a new era of 3D cameras

Jabil announ­ces coope­ra­tion with ams OSRAM and Arti­lux to rea­lize a SWIR 3D camera for indoor and out­door applications

Jabil’s demons­tra­tor ope­ra­tes at a wave­length of 1130 nm, making it well sui­ted for out­door applications.

PETERSBURG, FL – Janu­ary 18, 2023 – Jabil Inc (NYSE: JBL), a lea­ding pro­vi­der of manu­fac­tu­ring solu­ti­ons, today announ­ced that its renow­ned opti­cal design cen­ter in Jena, Ger­many, is curr­ently pro­to­ty­p­ing a next-gene­ra­tion 3D camera that can ope­rate seam­lessly both indoors and out­doors up to a range of 20 meters. Jabil, ams OSRAM and Arti­lux have com­bi­ned their pro­prie­tary tech­no­lo­gies in 3D sen­sor archi­tec­ture, semi­con­duc­tor lasers and ger­ma­nium sili­con (GeSi) sen­sor arrays to deve­lop a 3D camera that ope­ra­tes in the short-wave infrared (SWIR) at 1130 nanometers.

Strong growth in auto­ma­tion is dri­ving per­for­mance impro­ve­ments in robots and mobile auto­ma­tion plat­forms in indus­trial envi­ron­ments. The indus­trial robo­tics mar­ket is fore­cast to grow at a com­pound annual growth rate of over 11% to over $35 bil­lion by 2029. The 3D sen­sor data from these inno­va­tive depth came­ras will enhance auto­ma­ted func­tions such as obs­ta­cle detec­tion, col­li­sion avo­id­ance, loca­liza­tion and route plan­ning – cri­ti­cal appli­ca­ti­ons requi­red for auto­no­mous platforms.

»For too long, the indus­try has accepted 3D sens­ing solu­ti­ons that limit the ope­ra­tion of their mate­rial hand­ling plat­forms to envi­ron­ments that are not affec­ted by the sun. The new SWIR camera offers a glim­pse into the limit­less future of 3D sens­ing, where sun­light no lon­ger affects the uti­lity of auto­no­mous plat­forms,« said Ian Blasch, senior direc­tor of busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment in Jabil’s Optics busi­ness unit. »This new gene­ra­tion of 3D came­ras will not only change the expec­ted indus­try stan­dard for medium ambi­ent light tole­rance, but also usher in a new para­digm of sen­sors that work in all light­ing environments.«

»1130nm is ams OSRAM’s first SWIR VCSEL tech­no­logy that offers enhan­ced eye safety, excel­lent per­for­mance in high sun­light envi­ron­ments and skin detec­tion capa­bi­lity, which is cri­ti­cal for col­li­sion avo­id­ance when, for exam­ple, humans and indus­trial robots inter­act,« said Dr. Jörg Strauss, senior vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger at ams OSRAM for the Visua­liza­tion and Sen­sors busi­ness unit. »We look for­ward to working with Jabil to make the next gene­ra­tion of 3D sens­ing and vision solu­ti­ons a reality.«

Dr. Stan­ley Yeh, Vice Pre­si­dent of Plat­form at Arti­lux, agrees, »We are plea­sed to work with Jabil and ams OSRAM to deve­lop the first mid-range SWIR 3D camera using near-infrared (NIR)-like com­pon­ents such as CMOS-based sen­sors and VCSELs. This is a signi­fi­cant step toward mass adop­tion of SWIR spec­tral sen­sors and lea­ding CMOS SWIR 2D/3D ima­ging technology.«

For nearly two deca­des, Jabil’s optics divi­sion has been reco­gni­zed by tech­no­logy com­pa­nies as a lea­der in advan­ced optics design, indus­tria­liza­tion and manu­fac­tu­ring. The optics divi­sion employed more than 170 peo­ple at four loca­ti­ons. Jabil’s optics desi­gners, engi­neers and rese­ar­chers spe­cia­lize in sol­ving com­plex opti­cal pro­blems for cus­to­mers in the 3D sens­ing, aug­men­ted and vir­tual rea­lity, action camera, auto­mo­tive, indus­trial and health­care mar­kets. In addi­tion, Jabil’s cus­to­mers leverage its exper­tise in pro­duct design, pro­cess deve­lo­p­ment, test­ing, inter­nal active ali­gnment (from Kasa­lis, a Jabil tech­no­logy divi­sion), sup­ply chain manage­ment and manu­fac­tu­ring expertise.

Addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion can be found at the fol­lo­wing web­site:


About Jabil:

Jabil (NYSE: JBL) is a manu­fac­tu­ring solu­ti­ons pro­vi­der with more than 260,000 employees in 100 loca­ti­ons in 30 count­ries. The worl­d’s lea­ding brands rely on Jabil’s unmat­ched breadth and depth of end-mar­ket expe­ri­ence, engi­nee­ring and design capa­bi­li­ties, manu­fac­tu­ring exper­tise, sup­ply chain insights and glo­bal pro­duct manage­ment exper­tise. Dri­ven by a com­mon pur­pose, Jabil and its employees are com­mit­ted to making a posi­tive impact on their local com­mu­nity and the envi­ron­ment. More infor­ma­tion can be found on the web­site

Media cont­act

Anne Mai­wald

phone: +49 3641 227 12 80



Sales cont­act

Eddie Aus­tin

phone: +172 780 353 94
