Aktuelles › Jabil Optics wins Best of Sen­sor Award 2021

Omni­di­rec­tional sen­sor awarded in the cate­gory Opti­cal & Cameras

Jabil Inc. is plea­sed to announce that their inno­va­tive omni­di­rec­tional sen­sor won the Best of Sen­sors 2021 award in the Opti­cal & Came­ras cate­gory. The award high­lights cut­ting-edge advance­ments and achie­ve­ments that are moving the sen­sors indus­try forward.

“After revie­w­ing all of the Best of Sen­sors award sub­mis­si­ons, it is clear that the sen­sors indus­try con­ti­nues to thrive with new, inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons,” said Char­lene Soucy, senior direc­tor, Sen­sors Con­verge. “The goal of our pro­gram is to honor and pro­mote wide reco­gni­tion of the industry’s most trans­for­ma­tive tech­no­lo­gies and teams. Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to this year’s award winners.”

The awards pro­gram was crea­ted to spot­light the year’s best inno­va­tions, tech­no­lo­gies, teams and indi­vi­du­als in the sen­sors indus­try. Sub­mis­si­ons were jud­ged based on the value to the mar­ket­place, the impact of the pro­blems it sol­ves or issues it addres­ses, and the uni­que­ness of the design. The jud­ges for the Best of Sen­sors awards were Jack Gold, J. Gold Asso­cia­tes, LLC; Roger Grace, Roger Grace Asso­cia­tes; Matt Ham­blen, Fierce Elec­tro­nics; Cathe­rine Liao, Blu­mio; and Brian Zahn­ste­cher, PowerRox.

The inno­va­tive time-of-flight (ToF) depth sen­sor from Jabil Optics offers, with its indus­try-lea­ding 270° x 60° field of view (FOV), an advan­tage over exis­ting solu­ti­ons in the mar­ket. The nar­row fields of views of con­ven­tio­nal ToF sen­sors forces indus­trial mobile robo­tics plat­forms to inte­grate mul­ti­ple sen­sors for col­li­sion avo­id­ance. In con­trast to the con­ven­tio­nal solu­tion of using mul­ti­ple ToF sen­sors, the extre­mely wide FOV of the omni­di­rec­tional sen­sor remo­ves the need for inte­gra­ting mul­ti­ple sen­sors and sub­se­quently the com­ple­xity of stit­ching mul­ti­ple point clouds and the chal­lenges of main­tai­ning the ali­gnment and cali­bra­tion of mul­ti­ple sen­sors. The ground-brea­king, solid-state design is one of seve­ral sens­ing sys­tems Jabil’s opti­cal busi­ness unit (Jabil Optics) is desig­ning to sup­port lower-cost auto­no­mous mobile robo­tics and col­la­bo­ra­tive robo­tics platforms.

“We are hono­red to receive this Best of Sen­sors award,” said Ian Blasch, senior direc­tor of busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment, Jabil Optics. “We see this award as exter­nal vali­da­tion of the high-qua­lity design capa­bi­li­ties coming from our Jabil engi­nee­ring and design teams. The omni­di­rec­tional sen­sor is one of many novel sen­sors Jabil is archi­tec­ting for our robo­tics, indus­trial and auto­mo­tive customers.”

For nearly two deca­des, Jabil Optics has been reco­gni­zed by lea­ding tech­no­logy com­pa­nies as the pre­mier ser­vice pro­vi­der for advan­ced opti­cal design, indus­tria­liza­tion and manu­fac­tu­ring. Jabil Optics desi­gners, engi­neers and rese­ar­chers spe­cia­lize in sol­ving com­plex opti­cal pro­blems for its cus­to­mers in 3D sens­ing, aug­men­ted and vir­tual rea­lity, action camera, auto­mo­tive, indus­trial and health­care mar­kets. Addi­tio­nally, Jabil Optics cus­to­mers leverage exper­tise in pro­duct design, pro­cess deve­lo­p­ment, test­ing, in-house active ali­gnment, sup­ply chain manage­ment and manu­fac­tu­ring exper­tise from Kasa­lis, a tech­no­logy divi­sion within Jabil.

Learn more about the omni­di­rec­tional sen­sor here.

 About Jabil:

Jabil (NYSE: JBL) is a manu­fac­tu­ring solu­ti­ons pro­vi­der with over 260,000 employees across 100 loca­ti­ons in 30 count­ries. The world’s lea­ding brands rely on Jabil’s unmat­ched breadth and depth of end-mar­ket expe­ri­ence, tech­ni­cal and design capa­bi­li­ties, manu­fac­tu­ring know-how, sup­ply chain insights and glo­bal pro­duct manage­ment exper­tise. Dri­ven by a com­mon pur­pose, Jabil and its peo­ple are com­mit­ted to making a posi­tive impact on their local com­mu­nity and the envi­ron­ment. Visit www.jabil.com to learn more.

Sales Cont­act

Michael Kovacs
Senior Direc­tor, Mar­ke­ting, Jabil


Media Cont­act

Michelle Smith
VP Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons & Brand Stra­tegy, Jabil