News › Jen­op­tik again posts highly pro­fi­ta­ble growth in the third quar­ter – sus­tained good demand

  • Nine-month reve­nue up by 34.4 per­cent to 698.0 mil­lion euros, orga­nic growth of 11.9 percent
  • EBITDA grew by 40.1 per­cent, on a com­pa­ra­ble basis, to 117.8 mil­lion euros
  • Record order back­log of 749.8 mil­lion euros – order intake up by around one third year-on-year
  • 2022 gui­dance spe­ci­fied: Reve­nue expec­ted in the upper half of the exis­ting range of 930 to 960 mil­lion euros; EBITDA mar­gin still anti­ci­pa­ted to increase to 18.0 to 18.5 percent

“After nine months of 2022 too, Jen­op­tik has demons­tra­ted its ability to grow and its resi­li­ence in a chal­len­ging envi­ron­ment. Strong reve­nue growth, also in the third quar­ter, a solid qua­lity of ear­nings, and very hea­thy order intake and back­log figu­res all streng­then our con­fi­dence for the full year 2022,” says Ste­fan Trae­ger, Pre­si­dent & CEO of JENOPTIK AG.

Reve­nue up 34.4 per­cent after nine months – orga­nic growth of 11.9 percent

Pri­ma­rily thanks to the sus­tained strong per­for­mance of the Advan­ced Pho­to­nic Solu­ti­ons divi­sion, Jen­op­tik con­tin­ued on its path of pro­fi­ta­ble growth in the third quar­ter, pos­ting a signi­fi­cant reve­nue increase of 34.4 per­cent to 698.0 mil­lion euros (prior year: 519.5 mil­lion euros). The com­pa­nies Jen­op­tik Medi­cal and the Swiss­Op­tic Group, acqui­red in 2021, gene­ra­ted com­bi­ned reve­nue of 117.8 mil­lion euros. The Group thus pos­ted orga­nic growth of 11.9 per­cent at the end of the first three quar­ters. As in the prior quar­ters, Jen­op­tik achie­ved growth in all regi­ons, with the grea­test rise of 47.8 per­cent seen in Europe (incl. Ger­many) due to acqui­si­ti­ons. The stra­te­gic focus regi­ons of Asia/Pacific and the Ame­ri­cas saw increa­ses of around 20 per­cent. Over­all, 76.3 per­cent of reve­nue was gene­ra­ted abroad (prior year: 81.5 percent).

EBITDA mar­gin fur­ther up to 16.9 percent

Despite increased costs, Jen­op­tik fur­ther sub­stan­ti­ally impro­ved its qua­lity of ear­nings in 2022. In abso­lute terms, the con­ti­nuing ope­ra­ti­ons gene­ra­ted an increase in EBITDA from 109.7 mil­lion euros in the prior year to 117.8 mil­lion euros at the end of Sep­tem­ber 2022 (incl. PPA of minus 1.3 mil­lion euros, com­pared with minus 1.8 mil­lion euros in the prior-year period). The prior-year ear­nings had included a posi­tive one-off effect in con­nec­tion with the 2020 acqui­si­ti­ons worth 25.6 mil­lion euros (of which Q3/2021: 7.2 mil­lion euros). Wit­hout that ear­nings on a com­pa­ra­ble basis would have been 84.1 mil­lion euros and the growth rate 40.1 per­cent. The EBITDA mar­gin from July to Sep­tem­ber grew from 18.9 per­cent in the prior year (excl. one-off effect, incl. one-off effect: 22.6 per­cent) to 19.2 per­cent, and after nine months from 16.2 per­cent (excl. one-off effect, incl. one-off effect: 21.1 per­cent) to 16.9 per­cent. Taking into account an impro­ved finan­cial result, signi­fi­cantly hig­her tax pay­ments, and a nega­tive ear­nings con­tri­bu­tion of minus 4.8 mil­lion euros (prior year: 3.8 mil­lion euros) from VINCORION (dis­con­tin­ued ope­ra­tion), which was sold in sum­mer, Jen­op­tik achie­ved group ear­nings after tax of 41.4 mil­lion euros (prior year: 66.2 mil­lion euros, incl. one-off effect). Group ear­nings per share came to 0.71 euros (prior year: 1.12 euros incl. one-off effect, 0.68 euros excl. one-off effect).

Con­ti­nuing posi­tive demand – order back­log up to 749.8 mil­lion euros

The posi­tive trend in demand con­tin­ued. Both orga­ni­cally and due to acqui­si­ti­ons, the order intake grew by 32.1 per­cent to 884.5 mil­lion euros (prior year: 669.6 mil­lion euros). The Advan­ced Pho­to­nic Solu­ti­ons and Smart Mobi­lity Solu­ti­ons divi­si­ons both saw growth well in the dou­ble-digit per­cen­tage range. At 749.8 mil­lion euros, the order back­log rea­ched a record high, 38.0 per­cent up on the figure at the end of 2021 (31/12/2021: 543.5 mil­lion euros).

Equity ratio grew to 48.9 per­cent, sharp increase in free cash flow to 28.4 mil­lion euros

In view of the cur­rent uncer­tain deve­lo­p­ment of frame­work con­di­ti­ons, the clear focus on a solid accoun­ting and finan­cing policy is the basis for the Group’s future growth and its “Agenda 2025” tar­gets. The equity ratio fur­ther impro­ved to 48.9 per­cent (31/12/2021: 44.4 per­cent). Despite a signi­fi­cant increase in out­flows from inves­t­ing acti­vi­ties over the report­ing period, the Group’s free cash flow before inte­rests and taxes grew to 26.7 mil­lion euros (prior year: 17.7 mil­lion euros). The free cash flow in the con­ti­nuing ope­ra­ti­ons impro­ved even more, from 11.1 mil­lion euros to 28.4 mil­lion euros.

“Our free cash flow of 28.4 mil­lion euros and equity ratio of 48.9 per­cent are a clear sign of Jenoptik’s strength as well as a solid balance sheet and sound finan­cial posi­tion. This will enable us to suc­cessfully pur­sue our growth initia­ti­ves, even in these chal­len­ging times,” says Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer Hans-Die­ter Schumacher.

Deve­lo­p­ment of the divisions

Advan­ced Pho­to­nic Solu­ti­ons with sus­tained growth in semi­con­duc­tor equipment

From Janu­ary to Sep­tem­ber 2022, the division’s reve­nue increased by 51.4 per­cent to 529.1 mil­lion euros (prior year: 349.6 mil­lion euros). Busi­ness with the semi­con­duc­tor equip­ment indus­try con­tin­ued to grow in the first nine months of the year, with Bio­pho­to­nics and Opti­cal Test & Mea­su­re­ment also gene­ra­ting con­sider­a­bly hig­her reve­nue. Wit­hout the reve­nue of 117.8 mil­lion euros gene­ra­ted by the com­pa­nies acqui­red in 2021, orga­nic reve­nue growth came to 18.0 per­cent. Exclu­ding the above-men­tio­ned one-off effect, EBITDA grew by 53.6 per­cent, from 80.4 mil­lion euros (incl. one-off effect: 106.0 mil­lion euros) to 123.5 mil­lion euros. The division’s EBITDA mar­gin came to 23.3 per­cent, slightly up on the com­pa­ra­ble prior-year figure of 23.0 per­cent (excl. one-off effect, incl. one-off effect: 30.2 per­cent). As of Sep­tem­ber 30, 2022, the divi­sion con­tin­ued to enjoy strong cus­to­mer demand, with the order intake, dri­ven by the semi­con­duc­tor equip­ment indus­try and deve­lo­p­ments in the Bio­pho­to­nics as well as Indus­trial Solu­ti­ons areas, rising a signi­fi­cant 43.5 per­cent to 670.5 mil­lion euros (prior year: 467.1 mil­lion euros). The order back­log increased from 430.2 mil­lion euros at year-end 2021 to 588.9 mil­lion euros.

Smart Mobi­lity Solu­ti­ons starts fourth quar­ter with signi­fi­cantly impro­ved order backlog

Busi­ness in the Smart Mobi­lity Solu­ti­ons divi­sion con­tin­ued to revive in the third quar­ter. Quar­terly reve­nue increased by 5.4 per­cent to 31.1 mil­lion euros. EBITDA grew by more than a third to 7.1 mil­lion euros, and the EBITDA mar­gin increased from 17.9 per­cent to 22.7 per­cent. On a cumu­la­tive basis for the first nine months, the divi­sion gene­ra­ted reve­nue of 75.8 mil­lion euros, a rise of 4.8 per­cent on the prior-year figure of 72.3 mil­lion euros. Due to app­re­cia­bly hig­her sel­ling and R+D expen­ses, nine-month ear­nings of 8.4 mil­lion euros were still slightly down on the prior year (prior year: 8.6 mil­lion euros). The EBITDA mar­gin was 11.1 per­cent (prior year: 11.9 per­cent). The division’s order intake saw good growth, incre­asing 18.4 per­cent from 86.7 mil­lion euros to 102.6 mil­lion euros by the end of Sep­tem­ber 2022. The order back­log also grew a signi­fi­cant 53.4 per­cent to 83.3 mil­lion euros (31/12/2021: 54.3 mil­lion euros).

Non-Pho­to­nic Port­fo­lio Com­pa­nies: order intake in auto­mo­tive busi­ness up in the third quarter

In the third quar­ter, the Non-Pho­to­nic Port­fo­lio Com­pa­nies, which are domi­na­ted by auto­mo­tive busi­ness, achie­ved an order intake which was 28.5 per­cent up on the prior year. This almost off­set the wea­ker per­for­mance seen in the first half-year, with the order intake of 109.3 mil­lion euros at the end of the first nine months (prior year: 112.6 mil­lion euros). The order back­log remained high at 77.4 mil­lion euros (31/12/2021: 58.9 mil­lion euros). After nine months, wea­ker deve­lo­p­ment in the auto­mo­tive indus­try over the year to date is reflec­ted in a 5.2‑percent decline in reve­nue to 91.1 mil­lion euros (prior year: 96.0 mil­lion euros), with 2021 still inclu­ding reve­nue con­tri­bu­ti­ons from the non-opti­cal pro­cess metro­logy busi­ness, which was sold in July 2021. EBITDA of minus 2.8 mil­lion euros was also down on the prior-year figure of 4.4 mil­lion euros, espe­ci­ally as the prior year included one-off income of 3.6 mil­lion euros from the sale of the metro­logy business.

Gui­dance for fis­cal year 2022 spe­ci­fied: Exe­cu­tive Board expects reve­nue in the upper half of the exis­ting range of 930 to 960 mil­lion euros and EBITDA mar­gin still bet­ween 18.0 and 18.5 percent

In view of the good per­for­mance in the first nine months, the Exe­cu­tive Board spe­ci­fies the fore­cast announ­ced in August 2022 and expects reve­nue in the upper half of the exis­ting range of 930 to 960 mil­lion euros (2021: 750.7 mil­lion euros). EBITDA is also expec­ted to see signi­fi­cant growth on the prior year, exclu­ding the one-off effect. The EBITDA mar­gin is still due to improve to bet­ween 18.0 and 18.5 per­cent (2021: 16.7 per­cent excl. one-off effect). This sche­du­led growth in part pre­sup­po­ses that geo­po­li­ti­cal risks do not wor­sen. These include, for exam­ple, the Ukraine con­flict – with the sanc­tions that have been put in place and poten­tial impacts on price deve­lo­p­ments, energy sup­plies, and sup­ply chains. Uncer­tain­ties also exist with regard to the deve­lo­p­ment of the Covid-19 pan­de­mic, infla­tion, and con­ti­nuing sup­ply bot­t­len­ecks, even though Jen­op­tik remains con­fi­dent of its ability to manage them.

Con­fe­rence call for ana­lysts and investors

The Exe­cu­tive Board of JENOPTIK AG will hold a con­fe­rence call with ana­lysts, inves­tors, and jour­na­lists (in Eng­lish) on Novem­ber 10, 2022 at 11:00 am (CET).

The pre­sen­ta­tion on the first nine months of 2022, the Quar­terly State­ment for Janu­ary through Sep­tem­ber 2022, and the press release are available on the Jen­op­tik web­site in the Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons / Reports and Pre­sen­ta­ti­ons section.