News › JENOPTIK • Invest­ment in state-of-the-art E‑Beam litho­gra­phy tool

New dou­ble-digit mil­lion euro pro­duc­tion tool to manu­fac­ture future sen­sor gene­ra­ti­ons for the semi­con­duc­tor equip­ment industry.

Jen­op­tik invests in a new elec­tron-beam (E‑Beam) litho­gra­phy tool, which will go into ope­ra­tion at its Dres­den, Ger­many site in mid-2022. The new E‑Beam sys­tem will be built by the Jena-based E‑Beam tech­no­logy spe­cia­list Vis­tec Elec­tron Beam GmbH. It will be a core ele­ment for the deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duc­tion of the most sophisti­ca­ted next-gene­ra­tion pre­cis­ion sen­sors, which are essen­tial for the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of DUV and estab­li­shing high-pre­cis­ion EUV wafer expo­sure in semi­con­duc­tor pro­duc­tion processes.

This E‑Beam litho­gra­phy tool wri­tes struc­tures to a pre­cis­ion in the 10 nano­me­ter range (approx. 1/2,000th of a hair dia­me­ter) on up to 300mm sized sub­stra­tes. Jen­op­tik uses this tech­no­logy as a major enabler for the manu­fac­tu­ring of ultra-pre­cise micro-optics, which is the func­tional core of our sen­sors. The impro­ved pre­cis­ion and fle­xi­bi­lity of the new E‑Beam litho­gra­phy tool ensu­res that future stages in semi­con­duc­tor expo­sure tech­no­logy can be sup­ported with the requi­red sensors.

Jen­op­tik is one of the lea­ding deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duc­tion part­ners world­wide for opti­cal and micro-opti­cal sys­tems with hig­hest qua­lity stan­dards. With the recent acqui­si­tion of TRIOPTICS in Sep­tem­ber 2020, Jen­op­tik has con­tin­ued to streng­then its opti­cal com­pe­tence, par­ti­cu­larly in opti­cal test and mea­su­re­ment tech­no­logy. Jen­op­tik is com­mit­ted to the deve­lo­p­ment and intro­duc­tion of advan­ced litho­gra­phy tech­no­lo­gies in semi­con­duc­tor manu­fac­tu­ring and has more than 150 years of exper­tise in optics, sen­sor tech­no­logy and pre­cis­ion mechanics.

About Jen­op­tik

Opti­cal tech­no­lo­gies are the very basis of our busi­ness: Jen­op­tik is a glo­bally active tech­no­logy group and is active in the three pho­to­nics-based divi­si­ons: Light & Optics, Light & Pro­duc­tion and Light & Safety. Under the TRIOPTICS brand, Jen­op­tik also offers opti­cal test and manu­fac­tu­ring sys­tems for the qua­lity con­trol of len­ses, objec­ti­ves and camera modu­les. VINCORION is the brand for our mecha­tro­nic busi­ness. Our key tar­get mar­kets pri­ma­rily include the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try, medi­cal tech­no­logy, auto­mo­tive and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, traf­fic, avia­tion as well as secu­rity and defense tech­no­logy indus­tries. Around 4,400 employees work for Jen­op­tik world­wide. The Group’s head­quar­ters are in Jena (Ger­many). JENOPTIK AG is lis­ted on the Ger­man Stock Exch­ange in Frank­furt and is included in the SDax and TecDax. In the 2019 fis­cal year, Jen­op­tik gene­ra­ted reve­nue of approx. 855 mil­lion euros.


Tho­mas Fritsche
Head of Inves­tor Relations