News › Jen­op­tik signs ESG syn­di­ca­ted loan of 400 mil­lion euros

With a term of five years, the tech­no­logy group secu­res room for fur­ther acqui­si­ti­ons and invest­ments in the pho­to­nic core business.

JENOPTIK AG has refi­nan­ced its revol­ving syn­di­ca­ted loan and increased it from 230 to 400 mil­lion euros. The five-years term can be exten­ded twice by one year each time (5 + 1 + 1), so the volume can be increased to 600 mil­lion euros if neces­sary. The loan is pro­vi­ded by a con­sor­tium of long-term finan­cing part­ners con­sis­ting of Com­merz­bank, Helaba and LBBW (arran­gers) as well as BNP Pari­bas, Deut­sche Bank, DZ Bank and HSBC.

“With the syn­di­ca­ted loan, we have suc­cee­ded in secu­ring fur­ther finan­cing lee­way for Jen­op­tik on attrac­tive terms over the long term. The tran­sac­tion reflects the con­fi­dence in our growth-ori­en­ted cor­po­rate stra­tegy and shows that we have relia­ble and strong ban­king part­ners at our side,” said CFO Hans-Die­ter Schumacher.

Sus­taina­bi­lity components

“Since sus­taina­bi­lity is beco­ming incre­asingly important to us, we have also ali­gned our syn­di­ca­ted loan with the Group’s ESG goals,” added the Jen­op­tik CFO. As with the deben­ture bond, three dif­fe­rent ESG indi­ca­tors were incor­po­ra­ted for this reason, which address the issues of envi­ron­ment, social affairs and cor­po­rate gover­nance. Jen­op­tik has set its­elf spe­ci­fic mea­sura­ble tar­gets for sus­taina­bi­lity in the sup­ply chain, the group-wide pro­por­tion of green elec­tri­city and the diver­sity of its manage­ment team. Jen­op­tik recei­ves a small inte­rest advan­tage if all three tar­gets are achie­ved; con­ver­sely, a malus must be accepted if less than two of the three tar­gets are achieved.

“Our under­stan­ding of sus­taina­bi­lity is based on the belief that we can only achieve our eco­no­mic goals and thus per­ma­nently pro­fi­ta­ble growth by acting respon­si­bly. The ESG-tar­gets lin­ked to the deben­ture bond are the­r­e­fore also an inte­gral part of our cor­po­rate stra­tegy”, sum­ma­ri­zes the Pre­si­dent & CEO Dr. Ste­fan Traeger.

About Jen­op­tik

Opti­cal tech­no­lo­gies are the very basis of our busi­ness: Jen­op­tik is a glo­bally active tech­no­logy group and is active in the three pho­to­nics-based divi­si­ons: Light & Optics, Light & Pro­duc­tion and Light & Safety. Under the TRIOPTICS brand, Jen­op­tik also offers opti­cal test and manu­fac­tu­ring sys­tems for the qua­lity con­trol of len­ses, objec­ti­ves and camera modu­les. Our key tar­get mar­kets pri­ma­rily include the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try, medi­cal tech­no­logy, auto­mo­tive and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, traf­fic, avia­tion as well as secu­rity and defense tech­no­logy indus­tries. Appro­xi­m­ately 4,300 employees work for Jen­op­tik world­wide. The Group’s head­quar­ters are in Jena (Ger­many). JENOPTIK AG is lis­ted on the Ger­man Stock Exch­ange in Frank­furt and is included in the SDax and TecDax. In the 2020 fis­cal year, Jen­op­tik gene­ra­ted reve­nue of approx. 767 mil­lion euros.


Les­lie Iltgen
VP Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons and Cor­po­rate Communications
Phone: +49 3641 65–2291
E‑mail: moc.kitponej@negtli.eilsel

Kat­rin Fleischer
Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons Managerin
Phone: +49 3641 65–2290