News › Jen­op­tik helps increase road safety and secu­rity in North Ame­rica with new traf­fic camera systems

Jen­op­tik, a world-lea­ding sup­plier of road safety and public secu­rity solu­ti­ons, has secu­red traf­fic safety equip­ment orders tota­ling over 21 mil­lion US dol­lars in the US and Canada that help sup­port Vision Zero initiatives.

Vision Zero is a multi-natio­nal road traf­fic safety pro­ject that aims to achieve a high­way sys­tem with no fata­li­ties or serious inju­ries invol­ving road traffic.

“Jen­op­tik is com­mit­ted to hel­ping improve the safety and secu­rity in com­mu­ni­ties and our VECTOR solu­ti­ons repre­sent a step for­ward to safer cities with our traf­fic enforce­ment tech­no­logy,” said Dr. Ste­fan Trae­ger, Jen­op­tik Pre­si­dent & CEO.

The orders will con­sist of exis­ting Traf­fi­Star road safety equip­ment and Jenoptik’s latest  release of the VECTOR camera plat­form incor­po­ra­ting the company’s high accu­racy Deep Lear­ning ALPR soft­ware in con­junc­tion  with Jenoptik’s own 3D track­ing radar module.

The new VECTOR camera plat­form was deve­lo­ped as a com­ple­men­tary enforce­ment device for the mea­su­re­ment of instanta­neous speed detec­tion and com­bi­ned high per­for­mance ALPR (or ANPR, auto­ma­tic license/number plate reco­gni­tion). In loca­ti­ons where vehicle speeds need to be mana­ged over short distances, VECTOR pro­vi­des a prac­ti­cal and cost effec­tive solu­tion, allo­wing those respon­si­ble for road safety to address col­li­sion hot spots.

For futher infor­ma­tion click here.


Cor­ne­lia Ehrler
Kom­mu­ni­ka­tion und Marketing
Tele­fon: +49 3641 65–2255

Sabine Bar­ne­kow
Inves­tor Relations
Tele­fon: +49 3641 65–2156

Tamara Whit­taker
JENOPTIK North America
Kom­mu­ni­ka­tion und Marketing
Tele­fon: +1.561.881.7400