News › New Drive – Opto­Net coope­ra­tes with Auto­mo­tive Clus­ter East Ger­many (ACOD)

Auto­mo­tive and pho­to­nics indus­tries streng­then coope­ra­tion in Eas­tern Ger­many +++ Strong net­works bundle com­pe­ten­cies and con­nect com­pa­nies and rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons of both indus­tries to form strong alliance +++

Jena, Leip­zig – The Auto­mo­tive Clus­ter Ost­deutsch­land e.V. (ACOD) and the Thu­rin­gian net­work Opto­Net. e.V. seal for­ward-loo­king collaboration

Sig­ning of the coope­ra­tion agree­ment on March 4 in Jena | Image rights: Opto­Net e.V.

Simon Schwin­ger, repre­sen­ta­tive of the board of direc­tors of Opto­Net e.V. based in Jena, and Hans-Peter Kem­ser, chair­man of the board of direc­tors of Auto­mo­tive Clus­ter Ost­deutsch­land e.V. based in Leip­zig, signed the coope­ra­tion agree­ment of both net­works today (March 4, 2022) in Jena with the aim of brin­ging tog­e­ther play­ers from both indus­tries and thus incre­asing com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness and employ­ment in eas­tern Germany.
The coope­ra­tion is inten­ded to jointly drive inno­va­tion in times of trans­for­ma­tion. Pho­to­nic tech­no­lo­gies are incre­asingly being used in the field of par­ti­ally and fully auto­ma­ted dri­ving, alter­na­tive drive tech­no­lo­gies and digi­ta­liza­tion in vehic­les. Com­pon­ents and sys­tems for modern dis­play tech­no­logy and dri­ver assis­tance, free-form optics for inte­rior and exte­rior light­ing, but also pre­cis­ion manu­fac­tu­ring and modern image pro­ces­sing for qua­lity con­trol in pro­duc­tion are among the tech­no­lo­gies that the mem­bers of Opto­Net e.V. would like to con­tri­bute to the cooperation.

Fol­lo­wing the sig­ning cerem­ony, the guests visi­ted the JENOPTIK Light & Pro­duc­tion appli­ca­tion cen­ter (from left) Mar­kus Remm, Hans-Peter Kem­ser, Anke Sieg­meier, Dr. Tors­ten Schel­ler | Image copy­right: Opto­Net e.V.

Both net­works want to meet new demands on the auto­mo­bile of the future and bring tog­e­ther experts from both indus­tries. The inter­na­tio­nally reco­gni­zed exper­tise on both sides offers valuable oppor­tu­ni­ties in joint working groups and pro­jects for both the final pro­du­cers and the sup­plier and deve­lo­p­ment indus­try. The joint addres­sing of topics in sci­en­ti­fic and tech­ni­cal edu­ca­tion and their per­cep­tion by the public and poli­ti­ci­ans is a con­cern of both associations.

Hans-Peter Kem­ser sees the coope­ra­tion as a »for­ward-loo­king and valuable step for the mem­bers of both net­works. We can alre­ady con­tri­bute valuable expe­ri­ence and mar­ket trends through our coope­ra­tion with the East Ger­man logi­stics and IT clus­ters and thus con­tri­bute a very broadly based know-how cul­ture. With the inter­na­tio­nally estee­med com­pa­nies and their com­pe­ten­cies in the pho­to­nics sec­tor, we are con­so­li­da­ting eas­tern Ger­many as an auto­mo­tive loca­tion and crea­ting sta­bi­lity for the peo­ple in our fede­ral sta­tes as well.«

The board of Opto­Net e.V. also sees it that way. Simon Schwin­ger says: »With an export quota of 67 per­cent, we are alre­ady very suc­cessful inter­na­tio­nally. This is a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the new coope­ra­tion and we expect a bet­ter under­stan­ding of each other – which will then also result in pro­ject approa­ches bet­ween the com­pa­nies and rese­arch part­ners, which will par­ti­cu­larly bene­fit small and medium-sized com­pa­nies in both industries.«

The coope­ra­tion will focus on regu­lar tech­ni­cal exch­an­ges bet­ween the indus­try repre­sen­ta­ti­ves. Spe­ci­fi­cally, future col­la­bo­ra­tion will involve joint deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects, events and trade show appearan­ces, as well as ongo­ing dis­course on ways to bring tog­e­ther new deve­lo­p­ments in the respec­tive sec­tors, right through to edu­ca­tio­nal con­tent and edu­ca­tio­nal partnerships.

To this end, new cross-sec­tor event for­mats are also to be estab­lished. For the first time, the ACOD Con­gress on Sep­tem­ber 1, 2022 in Leip­zig will focus more stron­gly on the topic of lin­king with other tech­no­lo­gies and the coope­ra­tion of both networks.

Mar­kus Remm (JENOPTIK) and Hans-Peter Kem­ser (ACOD & BMW) talk about laser sys­tems for auto­mo­tive pro­duc­tion | Image rights: Opto­Net e.V.

To the Auto­mo­tive Clus­ter Ost­deutsch­land e.V. (ACOD)

Since 2006, the ACOD has been pur­suing the goal of pro­vi­ding sus­tainable sup­port for the auto­mo­tive and auto­mo­tive sup­plier indus­tries in the eas­tern Ger­man sta­tes. The cen­tral objec­tive of the ACOD was and is to net­work all the fo

rces of the com­pa­nies, rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons, ser­vice pro­vi­ders, asso­cia­ti­ons, socie­ties and initia­ti­ves active in the auto­mo­tive sec­tor in eas­tern Ger­many in order to deve­lop grea­ter inno­va­tive strength and added value as the basis for posi­tive deve­lo­p­ment in eas­tern Ger­many. Among others, East Ger­man auto­mo­tive manu­fac­tu­r­ers, renow­ned uni­ver­si­ties and insti­tu­tes as well as com­pa­nies from the sup­ply, ser­vice and equip­ment indus­tries are lin­ked tog­e­ther in the ACOD.

ACOD Auto­mo­tive Clus­ter East Germany

Lin­ke­dIn Post for signing