News › New on the board: Jan Werschnik

Jan Wer­sch­nik | Chief Inno­va­tion Offi­cer JENOPTIK AG

Dr. Jan Wer­sch­nik has been a mem­ber of the Opto­Net Manage­ment Board since the begin­ning of May, suc­cee­ding Dr. Sebas­tian Heid­rich, who has chan­ged his pro­fes­sio­nal direc­tion. The phy­si­cist is Chief Inno­va­tion Offi­cer at JENOPTIK AG and would like to become invol­ved in the Opto­Net Exe­cu­tive Board, espe­ci­ally in the areas of inno­va­tion manage­ment and open inno­va­tion. Lin­ke­dIn Profile

We are loo­king for­ward to good cooperation.

Opto­Net Board Members