OptoNet Member › ACM Coa­tings GmbH (sub­si­diary of Acktar Ltd.)

ACM Coa­tings is the Ger­man sub­si­diary of Acktar, a world lea­der in light absorp­tion mate­ri­als and coa­tings that pro­vi­des solu­ti­ons for the sup­pres­sion of stray light in wave­lengths VIS, SWIR and MWIR with their Super Black mate­ri­als (bla­ckest black), Black Foils and Direct Coa­tings for the bla­cke­ning of opto-mecha­ni­cal com­pon­ents. Ackt­ars tech­no­logy is available for light trap­ping appli­ca­ti­ons such as lens housings, baf­f­les, IR sen­sors, UV sen­sors, pas­sive infrared detec­tors, black bodies, light detec­tors, UV absor­bers, etc.