OptoNet Member › Badi­sche Indus­trie-Edel­stein GmbH

The core com­pe­tence of Badi­sche Indus­trie-Edel­stein GmbH lies in the pro­duc­tion of small and micro parts made of extre­mely hard, brittle mate­ri­als such as sap­phire and ruby, hard metal (tungs­ten car­bide) and oxide cera­mics (alu­mi­num oxide and zir­co­nium oxide). These mate­ri­als are machi­ned using grin­ding and poli­shing pro­ces­ses with dia­mond tools.

In addi­tion to the manu­fac­ture of hard mate­rial pro­ducts, small tur­ned parts and com­plex mil­led parts are also pro­du­ced. The tar­get mar­kets include medi­cal tech­no­logy, mea­su­re­ment tech­no­logy and the pre­cis­ion optics industry.