OptoNet Member › BATOP GmbH

BATOP GmbH is a pri­va­tely held inno­va­tive com­pany foun­ded in 2003 as spin-off from the Uni­ver­sity of Jena in Ger­many. BATOPs area of exper­tise are low tem­pe­ra­ture mole­cu­lar beam epi­taxy, dielec­tric sput­ter coa­ting, wafer pro­ces­sing and chip moun­ting technologies.
During the last years BATOP became a world­wide lea­ding sup­plier of satura­ble absor­bers for pas­sive laser mode locking. The pro­duct port­fo­lio of satura­ble absor­bers con­sists of a wide range of dif­fe­rent devices start­ing from satura­ble absor­ber mir­rors (SAM™) up to satura­ble out­put cou­plers (SOC) and satura­ble absor­bers (SA) for trans­mis­sion appli­ca­ti­ons. Up to now absor­bers are available cove­ring the most popu­lar laser wave­lengths from 800 nm up to 3 µm.
A second pro­duct family are pho­to­con­duc­tive anten­nas (PCA) for tera­hertz radia­tion emis­sion and detec­tion. BATOP offers sin­gle gap anten­nas as well as micro­lens cou­pled high power large aper­ture inter­di­gi­tal antenna arrays and com­plete THz spec­tro­me­ters. The anten­nas are desi­gned for exci­ta­tion wave­lengths bet­ween 800 nm and 1550 nm.