OptoNet Member › BATOP GmbH

BATOP GmbH is a privately held innovative company founded in 2003 as spin-off from the University of Jena in Germany. BATOPs area of expertise are low temperature molecular beam epitaxy, dielectric sputter coating, wafer processing and chip mounting technologies.
During the last years BATOP became a worldwide leading supplier of saturable absorbers for passive laser mode locking. The product portfolio of saturable absorbers consists of a wide range of different devices starting from saturable absorber mirrors (SAM™) up to saturable output couplers (SOC) and saturable absorbers (SA) for transmission applications. Up to now absorbers are available covering the most popular laser wavelengths from 800 nm up to 3 µm.
A second product family are photoconductive antennas (PCA) for terahertz radiation emission and detection. BATOP offers single gap antennas as well as microlens coupled high power large aperture interdigital antenna arrays and complete THz spectrometers. The antennas are designed for excitation wavelengths between 800 nm and 1550 nm.