OptoNet Member › DeepEn GmbH

DeepEn is a bio­pho­to­nics com­pany that deve­lops mini­mally inva­sive bio­ima­ging solu­ti­ons for the rapid visua­liza­tion of struc­tures and pro­ces­ses at the micro­sco­pic level deep within living organisms.
Neu­ro­sci­ence and bio­me­di­cal labo­ra­to­ries use DeepEn’s fine micro­en­do­sco­pes to gene­rate high-reso­lu­tion images from any depth of living tissue.
The Neu­ro­Deep labo­ra­tory sys­tem mini­mi­zes tis­sue damage by using a hair-thin endo­sco­pic probe, is intui­tive to use and pro­vi­des uni­que data sets.
DeepEn’s advan­ced holo­gra­phic tech­no­logy enables fluo­re­s­cence micro­scopy through a sin­gle opti­cal fiber with sub-micron image resolution.