OptoNet Member › fiber­ware Gene­ral­un­ter­neh­men für Nach­rich­ten­tech­nik GmbH

fiber­ware was foun­ded 1990 in Ber­lin, Ger­many by Dr. Georg Kuka. The com­pany moved 1996 from Ber­lin to the new pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties in Mitt­weida, which is one of the famous cities for laser- and opti­cal tech­no­lo­gies and sci­en­ti­fic works. Today fiber­ware is a world­wide known pro­du­cer of spe­cia­lity opti­cal fibers, fiber­op­tic based pro­ducts, cables, sen­sors, fiber bund­les and capil­la­ries for stan­dard and non stan­dard appli­ca­ti­ons. Pro­duct inno­va­tion, hig­hest qua­lity, fle­xi­bi­lity and pro­duct rea­li­sa­tion is fiber­wa­re’s main competence.