OptoNet Member › Günter-Köhler-Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung GmbH

Production technology and materials technology are the center of the research activities of the Günter-Köhler-Instituts für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung , in short ifw Jena. The scientists, engineers and technicians work with partners from industry, commerce and universities as well as other research institutes to develop innovative products and technology solutions in the areas of ultra short pulse laser processing, additive manufacturing, diffusion bonding and material science. Furthermore ifw has strong expertise in industry 4.0 related industrial and manufacturing applications. As a non-university, non-profit industrial research institution, the institute conducts precompetitive, application-oriented research and development for production technology solutions. The Günter-Köhler-Institute is also working on publicly funded research projects and on behalf of the industry.