OptoNet Member › LEC GmbH

LEC GmbH, based in Eiben­stock, Sax­ony, has been active world­wide with its pro­duc­tions since 1990. Cul­tu­ral and sport­ing events, anni­ver­sary cele­bra­ti­ons of major cities and com­pa­nies as well as pri­vate cus­to­mers, state and natio­nal gar­den shows are the ter­rain in which the inno­va­tive com­pany operates.

The company’s good repu­ta­tion is based on mul­ti­me­dia shows that are spe­ci­ally tail­o­red to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. And not only natio­nally. Word has spread as far as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Spain and Italy about the uni­que com­bi­na­tion of various basic artis­tic ele­ments to create a per­fect presentation.