OptoNet Member › Messe Erfurt GmbH

As the second lar­gest trade fair loca­tion in the new fede­ral sta­tes, Messe Erfurt GmbH has estab­lished its­elf as a forum for com­pa­nies and con­su­mers in the cen­ter of Ger­many. Around 200 events with over 7,000 exhi­bi­tors and around 650,000 visi­tors take place here every year.
The site com­bi­nes Hall 1 (multi-pur­pose hall), two exhi­bi­tion halls and the Con­gress Cen­ter under one roof and thus offers varia­ble opti­ons for a wide variety of projects.
Orga­ni­zers, exhi­bi­tors and visi­tors alike app­re­ciate the high func­tion­a­lity of the halls and con­fe­rence rooms, the short distances and the plea­sant, bright and spa­cious atmosphere.
The plan­ned Quan­tum Pho­to­nics, which will take place for the first time in May 2025, will open up new poten­tial for posi­tio­ning the indus­try as a high-tech location.