OptoNet Member › orbit Sen­sor­fu­sion GmbH

orbit Sen­sor­fu­sion enables the intel­li­gent mer­ging of data from multi-sen­sors or sen­sor net­works to achieve the extra­c­tion of infor­ma­tion of bet­ter qua­lity, hig­her accu­racy or relia­bi­lity. Mul­ti­ple sen­sors cap­ture the situa­tion, not only cap­tu­ring the important para­me­ters, but addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion from a variety of other sen­sors crea­tes a com­pre­hen­sive pic­ture. Machine-lear­ning algo­rithms bring the sen­sor data tog­e­ther and gene­rate under­stan­da­ble information.