OptoNet Member › pie­zo­sys­tem jena GmbH

Many appli­ca­ti­ons in micro­scopy, auto­ma­tion and mecha­tro­nics use piezo mecha­ni­cal motion and nano­po­si­tio­ning solu­ti­ons. The inverse pie­zo­elec­tric effect is the main prin­ci­ple of the piezo actuation.
pie­zo­sys­tem jena is offe­ring inno­va­tive and highly pre­cise nano­po­si­tio­ning devices to cus­to­mers all over the world. Their piezo actua­tors and piezo dri­ves, nano­po­si­tio­ning solu­ti­ons, piezo con­trol­ler and motion con­trol sys­tems are used in micro- and nano posi­tio­ning appli­ca­ti­ons when­ever hig­hest pre­cis­ion and high dyna­mics are nee­ded. In addi­tion to a broad range of cata­lo­gue pro­ducts, also cus­to­mer spe­ci­fic deve­lo­p­ments are offe­red to pro­vide opti­mi­zed sys­tems for cer­tain applications.