OptoNet Member › Uni­ver­si­täts­kli­ni­kum Jena

Since the foun­da­tion of the Uni­ver­sity in Jena 450 years ago, the School of Medi­cine has been trai­ning and edu­ca­ting medi­cal doctors-to-be.
Today, the Uni­ver­sity hos­pi­tal is the big­gest employer in the region with a staff of more than 5.000 peo­ple. Its 26 cli­ni­cal cen­ters and 27 insti­tu­tes pro­vide care for 300,000 in- and out­pa­ti­ents per year, as well as tea­ching for 2,400 stu­dents of medi­cine and den­ti­stry. At the Jena Uni­ver­sity hos­pi­tal, sci­en­tists and phy­si­ci­ans from more than 25 nati­ons work both in the field of fun­da­men­tal bio­me­di­cal rese­arch and in pati­ent-rela­ted cli­ni­cal rese­arch. Focus is on sep­sis and infec­tion, aging and age rela­ted dise­a­ses, medi­cal optics and photonics.