OptoNet Member › Vis­tec Elec­tron Beam GmbH

As a long-stan­ding equip­ment sup­plier, Vis­tec Elec­tron Beam GmbH is pro­vi­ding lea­ding tech­no­logy solu­ti­ons for advan­ced elec­tron-beam litho­gra­phy. Based on the Varia­ble Shaped Beam (VSB) prin­ci­ple, the elec­tron-beam litho­gra­phy sys­tems are mainly uti­li­zed for semi­con­duc­tor appli­ca­ti­ons and advan­ced rese­arch as sili­con direct write, com­pound semi­con­duc­tor, mask making as well as inte­gra­ted optics and photonics.