News › Opto­Net sup­ports intern­ship week · Get to know future app­ren­ti­ces during the vacations

Com­pa­nies from Jena and region wan­ted for the Intern­ship Week Jena

(Jena, 07.02.2023) For the third year in a row, the Jena Eco­no­mic Deve­lo­p­ment Agency and various part­ners are invi­ting Jena com­pa­nies to take part in the next edi­tion of »Intern­ship Week Jena«. During the Eas­ter vaca­ti­ons, com­pa­nies can pre­sent them­sel­ves and their pro­fes­sio­nal offers to inte­res­ted young peo­ple aged 15 and older directly in the com­pany and thus get to know poten­tial future trai­nees. The for­mat is free of charge for the com­pa­nies and is finan­ced by Jena­Wirt­schaft, the Kreis­hand­wer­ker­schaft Jena­/­Saale-Holz­land-Kreis and Opto­Net e. V. financed.

»Jena offers ver­sa­tile career pro­s­pects from crafts to high-tech, and the best way to get to know this diver­sity is directly on site during an intern­ship,« says Wil­fried Röpke, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Jena Eco­no­mic Deve­lo­p­ment. All Jena com­pa­nies are invi­ted, regard­less of indus­try or com­pany size, Röpke emphasizes.

The intern­ship week brings tog­e­ther com­pa­nies and stu­dents for one-day intern­ships via auto­ma­ted matching on an online plat­form. »The com­pa­nies can regis­ter online free of charge and wit­hout com­pli­ca­ti­ons, be there fle­xi­bly on a day-by-day basis and pre­sent their diverse pro­fes­sio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ties,« Natalja Baj­kov­ski from Opto­Net e.V. knows about the advan­ta­ges of the for­mat. The inte­res­ted stu­dents are then auto­ma­ti­cally pre­sen­ted with the com­pa­nies‹ offers, spe­ci­fi­cally accor­ding to their inte­rests and talents.

Who was alre­ady pre­sent in the last year, can log in alre­ady now with the well-known ent­rance data on the plat­form and adjust the cur­rent offers. Com­ple­tely new Jena­Wirt­schaft offers also short on-line infor­ma­tion mee­tings for all inte­res­ted enter­pri­ses before start of the prac­ti­cal course week. »We pre­sent the for­mat once again in detail, sup­port com­pa­nies with regis­tra­tion and dis­cuss initial ideas on how to design an intern­ship day,« explains pro­ject mana­ger Daniela Drilltzsch from Jena­Wirt­schaft. Inte­res­ted com­pa­nies can regis­ter by e‑mail at ed.anej@hcsztllird.aleinad.

The eva­lua­tions of the past years show a spe­cial inte­rest of the par­ti­ci­pa­ting pupils for occu­pa­ti­ons in the ser­vice sec­tor, among other things in the cate­ring trade and hotel trade as well as in the range media and mar­ke­ting. In addi­tion, there were high inqui­ries for work with food, such as in bake­ries or but­cher shops. »We would par­ti­cu­larly like to encou­rage com­pa­nies and busi­nesses from these areas to take part in the intern­ship week and pre­sent their career oppor­tu­ni­ties to the next gene­ra­tion of skil­led workers,« Manuela Vogt from the Jena­/­Saale-Holz­land dis­trict craftsmen’s asso­cia­tion also calls for participation.

Taking part is wort­hwhile, as last year’s sta­tis­ti­cal eva­lua­tion shows: »Last year, 69 com­pa­nies regis­tered and more than 100 stu­dents took advan­tage of the oppor­tu­nity to ›get a taste‹ of a wide variety of care­ers in Jena on a total of 245 intern­ship days,« says Daniela Drilltzsch, plea­sed with the suc­cess of the for­mat. Accor­ding to a sur­vey, all the stu­dents ques­tio­ned said they would recom­mend the intern­ship week to others.

On the web­site, inte­res­ted com­pa­nies can find important infor­ma­tion and regis­ter for the format.

Online info ses­si­ons for com­pa­nies about the intern­ship week:

09.02.2023 09:00 – 10:00 h and 15:00 – 16:00 h

23.02.2023 09:00 – 10:00 h and 15:00 – 16:00 h