
pho­to­nics thuringia

That is  ~200 play­ers  
from indus­try & rese­arch,
 broadly posi­tio­ned,
 excel­lently con­nec­ted 
& inter­na­tio­nally
 renow­ned. opto­net has been 
sur­vey­ing the indus­try
 – sci­en­ti­fi­cally sup­ported
 by Jena Uni­ver­sity – 
bien­ni­ally  since 2001 For the  11th edi­tion
  of the sur­vey,
 the respond­ents ans­we­red
 more enthu­si­a­sti­cally
 than ever before.

[…and of course, corona plays a role.]


In record time, more than 100 play­ers in Thu­rin­gi­a’s pho­to­nics sec­tor ans­we­red our ques­ti­ons about their busi­ness situa­tion, sales, employ­ment and tech­no­logy trends. From now on, we will air one of the top insights every week – to show what the high-tech indus­try has in store for the future.

Join us here, fol­low us on Lin­ke­dIn and keep an eye on #photonicsinsights2021 

After a year of cri­sis and under the ongo­ing cons­traints of the pan­de­mic, we were par­ti­cu­larly eager to hear about the cur­rent busi­ness situa­tion in Thu­rin­gi­a’s pho­to­nics industry. 

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After many boom years, the signs at the end of 2019 and begin­ning of 2020 were poin­ting more to a down­turn. The auto­mo­tive indus­try and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring – important sales mar­kets for pho­to­nics – were in trou­ble. In this phase, the Corona cri­sis began and brought even more uncertainty.

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More than 90% of the peo­ple inter­viewed con­sider cli­mate change to be one of the most important chal­lenges of our time. Alt­hough ESG – Envi­ron­men­tal Social Gover­nance – is not yet a fami­liar term for all respond­ents – the topics of sus­taina­bi­lity, cli­mate neu­tra­lity and uni­form stan­dards defi­ni­tely play an important role in cor­po­rate gover­nance in photonics.

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Has Corona shaken up the pho­to­nics job mar­ket? What about the sup­ply of skil­led workers after years of shorta­ges? And which spe­cia­lists are nee­ded urgently?

Despite Corona cri­sis, the demand for  skil­led workers  in Thu­rin­gi­a’s pho­to­nics indus­try remains unbroken.

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More than 500 vacan­cies, but a shortage of skil­led workers, engi­neers and phy­si­cists. How are Opto­Net com­pa­nies respon­ding to the chal­lenges and what stra­te­gies do they have to find and retain good staff?

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As a high-tech indus­try, pho­to­nics is extre­mely rese­arch-inten­sive. R&D dri­ves growth – regard­less of the size of the company.

As a result, num­e­rous com­pa­nies main­tain tech­no­lo­gi­cal lea­der­ship with their pro­ducts or at least see them­sel­ves in the top group.

In this con­text, sup­port pro­grams from the EU, the fede­ral govern­ment and the state are wel­co­med by 75% of the companies.

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